41 The et b runner o theme eof od anti§ holyMy ihryofehe Body told Wood ofChalk, there Ore diva things further about thisl and the rpecial thing I thought of, was to thew you theholy qualifications that thereought to be ; but this I conceive to be the neceffiry, and I fhould DOE have had peace in mine own confcience as being faithful to you in what I am fpeaking, of fanaifying the Nameof God in this Ordinance, if I fhould nor have mentioned this that I have fpoken unto you, and there's an erroconboll fides, that I dente "to meet wihal; either thole chat come hand over head,and think it concerns them not at al with whom they come to the Sacrament, but to look ro their own hearts : and there's an error on the other fide, that if they do what they can to keep them away, and yet they fhould be fuffaed tocorne,they may not come to partakeof thoie things. Now it is very ufelul for us to know what we fhould do in this cafe. 4.111,44444440.440.44+14.***404, +.444444 Sele't .1404....44.4042+44.44.44 44.444 SERMON XII. Leviticus, i o. 3. Iwill be Sanifified in them that come nighme. 4444444AP Shall ad fomthing to one Particular, that I had ******** the laft Day, concerning peoples withdraw- .. y 43. 4 ing from fuch a Congregation where they 44. k *41* 44. 49,4 could not receive all the Ordinances of Jefur 444.4444+ Chrift. 44444444 As now, If I were in a Church where I could have but a piece of the Sacrament, fur pofe they deal withme as the Papifts do with the people, that is, they will give them the Bread, and not the 'Wine : Certainly I were not bound to stay with them then, but I were bound to gowhere I might have the whol Sacrament. So if a Church will give me fome one Ordinance, and not another ; I ccnfefs fo long as there is hope that I may enjoy it, and that they are in a way