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in receiving the Sacrament ofthe Lords Supper. 2+3 -way for enjoyment I think here fhould be a great forbearance to a Church as well as co a particular perfon ; as I mutt not with- draw from a particular man, where there is hope Rill of his re- formation, that there may come good of my forbearance, fo towards a Churchmuch more ; bu: I fay, if I cannot enjoy, nei- ther cloth there appear any hope of enjoyment of all Ordi- nances, certainly is were but a cruelty to force men to flay there, whenas otherwhere they may enjoy all Ordinances for thegood of their fouls : And this cannot be fchifm thus todo. As now is this fchifm ? Suppofe a man were in a place and j oy- ned in fuch a Communion , for his outward benefit he may re- move hisdwelling from one place to another, if he can have bet- ter trading in another place ; then certainly ifhemay have more Ordinance for the edification of his foul, he may as well re- move from one to another, as he may remove if his trading be better in one place than another. Chrift would haveal his peo- ple look to the edification of their fouls ; and fhould I account chat fchifm, when a man or woman meetly our of tendernefs and a defire to enjoy Jefus Chrift in all his Ordinances for the benefit of their fouls , they find fuch want to their fouls of all Ordinances, that though they may have fome in one places yet if they cannot have all, their fouls do not fo thrive. Now if this be all the end why they remove, that they might have more edification to-their fouls, enjoying the Ordinances of Chrift more fully, God forbid that this fhould ever be accoun- ted fuch a fin, that the Scripture is tobrand : No, that's Ichifor when there is a violent rending out of malice, for the want of love ; for as apoitacy is a rending from the head, fo fchifm from the body, char is, when it is out ofan evil fpirit, from envy, or frommalice, fromwant oflove, or from any bafe finifter ends, and upon no juft ground but now, when it is [needy out of love to jefus.Chrift, that I might have more edification to my foul, and .full I retain love to the Saints that are there as they are in Communion , and fo far as they have any thing good among them, I hold Communion with them in chat: only I defire in humility, and in meeknefs that I may be in fuch a place where my foul maybe molt edified , where I may enjoy 'all thofe Ordinances that Chrift,hath appointed for his Church, A a certainly