The right manner of SanElifying theMime of god 244 certainly that foul that can give this account to Jefus Chrift for going from one place to another, will be freed by Jefus Chrill from fuck a fin as this is that theworld calls Schifrn; but the truth is, this word is in mens mouths that underftand not what it means, and the Devil alwaies wil have force word or o- ther cad upon themthat are good ; for he hxh heretofore gained much by it, fo /hi he makes account togain much by words and terms , therefore men fhould take heed of words and terms that thydo not underftand , and examine ferioufly what the meaning is, and what is held forth in thefe words. And thus much for that Point that it mtift be in a holy Communion wher- ever there is the receiving of the Lords Supper, it mull be recei- ved in a holy Communion. Nowwe are to proceed to that which is the main thing, and that is, What are the holykualifications or difliofitions of the foul, together with the aftings fit in receiving of the Lords Supper, what is required in the foul, for the fanifi- fying of the nameofgod in this holySacratnent ? There are many thingsrequired. As huff, ThereAs required 7(nowledg; I mull knowwhat I do when I come to receive this holy Sacrament ; knowledg ap- plied to the work that I am about. When fome of you have come to receive this Sacrament, ifGod would have fpoken from flea ven, and have laid thus royou, What are youdoing now ? what do you go for ? What accocnt had you been able,to have given untohim ? You muft underftand what you do when you come thither. Firft, Youmull be able to give this account to God, Lord, I am nowgoing tohave reprefented tome in a vifible and fenfible way thepencil. Myfteries of Godlinefs , thole great and deep Counfels of my Will concerning my EternalEfface, thole great, Things that Angels defire to pry into, that fhall be the mat- ters&eternal praifesofAngels and. Saints in the highefl Heavens that they may be fet before their view ; Lord, when I have come tothy Word,' have had founding in mine ears the great Myfteries of Godlinels, the great Things of theCovenant of Grace, and 11C.VI I go to fee them teprefenced before mine eyes in that Ordi- nanceofaline that thou haft appointed. Yeo