in receiving the Sacrament of the Lords 245 Yea Lord, I am now going to receive the Seals of the blefied Covenant of thine, the fecond Covenant, the new Covenant, the Seals of the Teifirnony and Will of chine ; I am going to have confirmed to my foul thine everlafting love in Jefus Chrift. Yea Lord, I am going to that Ortiinanee wherein I expeet to have Communion with thy felf, and the Communion of thy chief mercies co rny foul in Jefus Chrift. I am going to feaft with thee, to feedupon the Body and Blood ofJefus Chrift. Yea, I am now going to fet the Seal of the Covenant on my part, to renew my Covenant with thee ; I am going to have Commuion with thy Saints, to have the Bond of Communi- on with all thy people to be confirmed to me,that there might be a ftronger Bond of Union and Love between me and thy Saints than ever ; thefe are the ends that Igo for, this is the work that I am now going about ; thus you muft come in underftanding, youmuft comewith Underftanding , youmutt know what you are going about ; this is that which theApoftle fpeaks of, when he fpake of the difcerning the Lords Body ; he rebukes the Co- rinthians for their fin , and thew them that they were guilty of the Body and Blood of Chrift, becaufe they did not difcern the Lords Body, they looted only upon the outward Elements, but did not difcern what there was of Chrift there, they did not underftand the Infticution of Chrift ; they did not fie how Chrift was under thole Elements, both reprefented, and exhibi tedunto them. That is chefirft thing there mutt hoe knowledg and underflanding. And now for the knowledg and underftanding of the nature of the Sacrament ;. there need be knowledg in ocher Points of Religion, for we can never come to underffdnd thenature of this Sacrament without knowing God, and knowing our felves knowing in what eftate we are by Nature, knowing our Fall, knowing the way of Redemption, knowing Jefus Chrift what he was, and'what he bath clOne for the making ofan Atonement,, theneceflicy of Jefus Chrift , and what theway of the' Cove.; nant is..:that. God bath appointed to bring mens naLlife ,by. .-The main Point.; of Religionmuft be known, .but: A a Z efpec