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246 The right manner offantlifg the karne ofGo efpecially that which concerns theNature of a Sacramento Now this knowledg likewifemutt be dual, not meerly ha- bitual knowledg.; but there muff be a itirring up of this know- ledg, that is, bymedication, I muff be meditating, have adual thoughts andmedications of what I do know ; that ought tobe the workofa Chriftian in coming to receive the Sacrament, to quicken uphis knowledg, to have a renewedwork ofhisknow- ledg by aaual thoughts and meditations of the main Foints'of Religion, and especially of the nature and endof this holy infti- tut ion. That is the firft thing, Secondly, As we tnuft come underftandingly, without which wecannot SantlifieGods Name ; fo we muff come with hearts fucable to the work chat we ate about, that is, becaufe the great thing that ishere, is the breakingof Chrifts Body, and the pow- ring forth his Blood-. Afutabledifpofttion to this, is brokennefs of heart, fence ofour fin, of chat dreadful breach that fin bath made between God and the foul; our fin fhould be upon our. hearts to as to break them : But this btokennefs mutt be Evan- gelical, it muff be through the applying of theBroodofQuilt unto my foul ; I muff come to be tenfibleof my fin, but eipeci- ally be fentible of it by what I fee in the holy Sacrament, that muff make me fenfible ofmy fin : There areagreat many things tomake me fenfible of my fin:. The confideration of the great God that thou haft tinned, againif, and- the Cutfe of the Law that's due to Thee, the wrathof dod that is incenfed av,ainft thee for thy fin, and chafe eternal flames that are prepared for fihnersli, thofe everlafting,burn ings. But now thofe are not the things that will break the head in an Evangelical way, in a gracious way ; The main thing by which the foul mutt come tobreakitsheart, mutt be the behol- dingof theevil of fin in the red glafs of the blood of Jekus Quift,.. the beholding him. broken;. and. truly there, is nottittig, in the world, that hash that power co .break the heart of fin,, as che beholding of that which is to be beheld in the holy Sacrament, and.thar heart is a hard heart that can fee what is there to be lien, and not break in the apprehenfion of fin; when 1 here. fee what my lint" what a price was made for my foul, when fee, the hatred of God,againft fink and the uLticeof God, in not fearing A