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in receiving the Sacrament ofthe Lords Supper. 247 (paring hisSon, but in breaking his Son for my fin, and in flied- 4 ding the Blood of his Son for my fins, I fee here that the making of my peace with God did colt more than ten thoufand worlds is worth ; I fee that by my fin fuch a breach was made between God and my foul, that all the Angels in Heaven, and Men in theWorld could never make up this breach; only the Son of God, he that was God and man, that was thus broken by the burden of the wrath of his Father for my fins, could do this. The truth is, when we come to this holy Communion, we are to look uponChrift as if we faw him hanging upon the Crofs : fuppofe thou hadft lived at the time when Chrift was crucified, and hadft underftood as much concerning the death of Chrift as now thoudoeft, and what Chrift was, iffo be chat thou fhoul- deft have beheld him in the Garden, and there fweating drops of water and blood, and liegrovelingupon theground, crying, If it be poflible let this Cup pals fromme ; and fhouldft have follow.. ed him to the Crofs, and there have seen his hands and feet nai- led, and his fide pierced, and the Blood trickling down, and haveheard him cryingout, My God,niy God, why haft thou for. fakers me ?, Would not such a tight as this is, have broken thy heart for thy fin The truth is, there is more, fwon't fay only fo much, but i fay there is more in this Sacrament tobreak the heart for finihan fuch a fight as that. Youwill ray , If you fhould have Chrift tobe crucified again before your eyes, it you fhould fee the Body of Chuft hanging upon the C;rois, and there behold. him cruciricci, and hearing of him cry out, My God, God, why ficifi, thou fortakenme you would think it your hearts did not break for fin then, that they were defperately hard ; know, every time that thou haft - come to receive the Sacrament, thou haft come to fee inch a fight and it is as great an aggravatto,, of the hardnefs of thy heart if it hash not broken at thk: fig-tt, as it would be if it fhould- not.. breakat that fight. We read in Gal. 3. I. of Taultlpeaking of the preachingof the Gofipzi , he faith that Chrift was crucified before thofe tnat did he the Word and foolifh Galatians who bath bewitched you,, riat you fhould not obey the truth, before whofeeyes Jesus Chrift heth been evidently fee forth , crucified., among you' he doth. nor_ mean that Chrift was crucified qatai4s,