q_ 8 The right manner OanEtibing the Name ofgod CI- fet alatia, but that where the word was preached he was evidently forth, andcrucified among them ; but nowmy brethren, the crucifying of Cl ria in Che Word, is rot filch a real, evicienr,and Ienfible terring forth of Chrift crucified, as when he is let forth in this Sacrament, and 'tis that which works with mere efficacy tobreak the heart than that other light ; and the reafon that I give, is this : Becaufe you do never find that God did fet that apart as an Ordinance, an Ina itution appointed ro that end that they fhould come to look upon that for the breaking of their hearts ; there was indeed a na:uralnefs in it, char it they did behold Chrift, it might break their hearts, but it was nor Inch an Ordinance, is was nor a Sacrament as this is ; now this being as a Sacramental way in the ufe of an Ordinance appointed by Jefus Chrift to fee forthhis fufterings, and al the riches of the Covenant ofGrace to the foul, there may be exi etted here a further bleffing than in the other, though it's true, the other might work inghtily upon the heart,but yet this being a great Ordinance of Chrift in the Church a great Inftirution of fetus Chrift for the letting out ofhis ruin- rings, is bath a more fpecial bleffing that goes along with it ; every Ordinance bath a PrtMllife, and a more fpecOlblefling than any other thing that is not an Ordinance. So when you come here to behold Chrift crucified before you , you cannot fee Chrift naturally crucified as upon the Crofs : but you have Chrift crucified before you in the way ofa Sacrament, in theway of a Solemn Inftiturion of Jefus Cbreif, that bath d fpecial blef- fing whichgoes along with it : therefore if the heart benot bro- ken here, there is an aggravation of the hardnefs of the heart as great as if we fhould beholdJens Chrift upon the Gras, and our hearts not broken there ; and indeed this is a fpecial reafon why thole are faid ro be guiltyof the Body and Blood of Chrift that receive unworthily ; as if a man had been_ then alive, and had beenbefore the Crofs, and there have feen how the Blood ofJefus Chrift was flied for fin, and fhould not have been affected with it, but fhouldhave accounted it as a common thing, this man in come regard might have been flid ;.o he guilty ofhis death; that 4, to have joyned and contented with thofe that did auci.hshim for if a Man fees another commit- a Fitt,. if hebe not affeCied