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in receiving the Sacrament ofthe Lords Supper. 2+9 affeZted with that fin, aid it does not flir his heart, he may come to be partaker of his fin ; fo Lilac thole that come to fee Jefus Chrift crucified, and have not their hearts at all /tied with the crucifying of Chriff, they are in fome regard truly Paid to beguil- ty of the Body and Blood ofJefus Chrift. And that's the fecond thing, Brokennefs of fpiric is futable to the light of a broken Chi' ill.. 3. The Third thing that k here to be done in the Sandify- ingof Gods Name, is the purging and clenfing of the heart from tin; and ataual clenfing and purging the heart from fin there ought to be. The Jews in their Palfover were to cart out all. leaven ; and thofe that were of the custom of the Jews, fay that they were wont to do three things in the cafting out of their leaven : i. They made diligent fearch for Leaven ; they lighted Can- dies to look into ttery corner left there fhould be any bit of Lea- ven left in the houfe. 2. When they found it they caft it our. 3. They tiled an execration, theydid curie themfelves ifthey fhould willingly keep any leaven in the houfe. So my Brethren, When we come to partake of this holy Or- dinance, there fhould be a diltt;etit inquifition for fin, for fm in Scflikture is compared to Leaven; thou fhouldeft make a dili- gent fearch what tin there is in thy heart, in any of the facul- ties ofthy foul, what fin there is in thy thoughts in thy con- fcience, in thy underft'anding, in thy will, inany Of thy affetti- ons , what fin there bath been in thy .life, what family fins, what perfonal fins. Thou fhouldeif make a diligent-fearch to fee whether there be not fome Leaven, fome evil in thy heart ; and whttever fin thou tiallt come LO firld out in thy heart, theremuff be a calling of it out; that is, thy foul mutt be let a- gainft it, to °pp-At it with all.thy might ; Vvhatever beloved fin, whatever gainful fin , whatfoever become of thee, thy foul mutt renounce that fin of thine ; yea, and in a kind of execra- tionof thy life; that's thus, Lord, as ever I expel t to receive any good"by this BOdy and Blood of Chrift, that I COIIIC now tarecetve , toLord, here I profefs againft every fin that I have foundout in my heart ; I del re "to find out all, and profefs againfL