2 5 0 The right manner ofSanEt;fying theName ofgod againft all , and renounce all , and would do to the uttermoft that I am able for delivering of my foul fully, from every known or beloved fin ; Oh that there might not be any remai,-. ning in my heart : This mutt be the ditpofition of the foul co: rning hither, and it mutt needs be thus, melte we cannot lanttifie 'Gods Name, becaufe there is nothingmore fumble than this dif- pofition unto the receiving of the Sacrament ; for we come here to profefs , That we do acknowledg that fin did colt fo much as it did, that it colt the Blood of the Son of God : now this cannot chufe but caufe the heart to renounce fin : If in. deed I do beleeve that fin bath colt the Blood ofChrift, that it colt him Co deer as it did, that it did trouble Heaven and earth, that there muff be such a mighty wonderful way-of fatisfadron to God for my fin committed againft him, cer- tainly fin hash a dreadful evil in it, Oh let me never have to do with fuch fin that was the caufe of fuch fufferings to my Sa- vior that did flied his Blood. If fo be that thou faweft a knife that hadcut the throat of thy deareft child, would not thy heart rife againft that knife ? Suppofe youcome to a Table,and there is a knife laid at your Trencher, and it was told you, This is the knife that cut the Throat of your Child, or'Father, ifyou could ufe that knife as another knife, would not any one fay, There was but little love toyour Father or Child : So when there l'IPa Temptation comes to any fin , this is the Knife that cut the Throat of Chrift, that pierc'd his fides, that was thecaufe ofall , his fufferings, that made Chrift to be a Guile; now wilt not thou look upon chat as a turfed thing that made Chrift to be a.Curfe Oh with what deceftation would a man or woman fling away fuck a knife ! and with the like deteltation it is re- quired that thou fhouldeft renounce fin, for chat was the caufe of the death of Chrift. I remember it is reported of .Anthony, when C&far was flain, he comes toair up people againft thofe that had flain C&far, and he takes the cloaths that were bloody, andholds them forth to thepeople, and faith, Here is Blood of your Emperor l - and upon chat the people were enragedagainft chofe that had thin him, and went and pulled downtheir houfes upon them. So when thou cornett to this Saa. ciament, thoufait theBlood of Chrift guilUng our, and for thy