in receiving the Sacrament ofthe LorcisSupper. 2,51 fin, if ever thy fin be pardoned ; either thy foul muff beeternal- ly damn'd for thy fin, or elle thy fin toff thep,ufhing our of the "Bloodof Chrift : now when thou feel this, this should caufe an holy rage in thy foul againft fin that raided this; furely the puttingaway fin, the riling of theheart againft fin muff needs be a difpoficion fuable to fuch an Ordinance as this is. And that's the Third thing required in fandifying of Gods Name in this Ordinance, the purging out of fin, and riling of the heart agaillt it: 4. The Fourth thing that is to be done for the Santtifying of -Gods Name here, it is, the hungritin and chirfting of the Soul after Jefus Chrift ; whofoever comes hither, he comes to a leaft, and theLord expeels that all his Guefts lhould come with fto- machs unto his Feaft, come with hungring and longing or Jelk fus Chriff ; this fhould be the difpocition of the foul, 'bh that my foul might enjoy Communion with Jefils Chrifi ; now, this is the end that I am come for : Oh the Lord that knows the workings of my heart, knows that this is the great defire of my foul, that I might enjoy Communion with Jefus Chrift Oh ! chat I might have more of Chrift, that I might meet with Chrift, that I might have fome further Manifeitation of Je- fus Chrift that I might have my foul further united to the Lord Chrift, and fo have further influence of Chrift to my foul ; I come with thirft after the Lord Chrift, knowing my infinite need of him, and the infinite excellency that there is in Jefus Chrift ; my foul cloth familh and perifh for ever without Chrift : but in the enjoyment of Chriff, there is a fulnefs for_ the fatisfying of my foul , that I have had of Chrift fomtimes in the Word, and fomtimes in Prayer, that have been fweet un- tome but I expert a further communion with Chrift here, for this is the grand Ordinance for Communion with Jefus Chrift indeed the Word in this refpett it is beyond this Ordinance, that is, it is not only for the encreafeof Grace, but for the begetting: This is only for the encreale of Grace, and not appointed for the begetting ; now in that relpea the Word is above the Sacra.' mem : but now this Sacrament is a more full Ordinance for Communion.with Jefus Chrift, this is the Communion of the bodyof Jefus Chrift, and ofhis Blood, and therefore there ought B b £0