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25 2 The right manner ofSanEli/yin the N.aine of god- to be hungring and thirfting defiles of the foul after Jefus Chrift therefore you mutt take heed you do nor come with your domachs full of trafh : as children when they can get Plums and Feats, and fill their flomachs with them, when they come to your Tables, though there be never fo much whol- fom Diet, they have nomind at all to it : So it is with men of the world , they fill their hearts with the trafh of this world, and with fenfual delights ; and hence it is that when they come to fuch a great Ordinance, to enjoy Communion with Jefus Chrift, that then they feel no want at all of Chrift, only they come and take a little pieceof bread, and a draught of wine, but for any thong pausing defires to meet with Jefus Chrift there in the Ordinance, to come fo as they know not how to live without Chrift , even as a man that is an hungred cannot live without his meat and drink ; and fo for the foul to have fuch a difpoficion after Chrift, this is a rare thing : but know, that Gods Name is not fanttified unlefs thou doeft come in fuch a way unto his holy Sacrament. That's the fourth thing, hungry and thinly defiles after Chrift, from a deep fence of theneed of him, and the apprebenfion of the excellency in him. 5. In the lift place, There mutt be an exercife ofFaith for the Sanctifying of Gods Namehere : Faith, that is both the Hand and the Mouth of the taking of this fpiritual meat, and fpiritu- al drink, when thou comeft to the Feaft of theLord. Faith firit is theeye, and then thehand andmouth : it is the eye of thy foul to give a real fight to what there is here, you are nor able to dif_ cern the Body of the Lord but by the eye of Faith : if thou co- rnett only with bodily eyes to look upon what is here, thou feeft nothing but a little Breadand Wine ; but now where the eye of Faith is, there is a real appearance of Jefus Chrift to the foul, as if Chrift were bodily prefent, and we need not have the Bread turned into his Body; for Faith cannot fee the Body of Chrift through the bread, and the Bloodof Chrift gufhing in the Wine. And it is a mighty thing to have Chrift, and fuch fpiritual things made real,and not to be a fanfie. If one look upon the fire that is painted, one cannot heat ones felf in cold weather with that but fire that is really burning upon the hart" So thofe that come,