in receiviny, theSacrament of the Lords Supper. 2 5 3 come to receive the Sacrament, and not come with Faith, char have only the eye of their bodies, they only fee as it were a pain. ted Chrift, they do not fee Chrift really, his Body and Blood, and thofegreat my fteries ofthe Got-pet are not prefenced as real things to their fouls : and hence it is that theygo away and get nothing : but now when the foul comes with the eye of Faith, the foul fees the wonderful things of God, it is the molt: glorious fight in the world ; all the glory of God in the Heavens and Earth,is not like this fight of Jefus Chrift,and the myfieties of the Gofpel that do appear to the eye of Faith : therefore you may by this knowwhether you have come with Faith or no to the Sacrament, whether you have teen the molt glorious fight that ever your eyes did behold : Alas ! with our natural eves we behold a Miniffer coming with a piece of Bread, and a little Wine : but when the eye of Faith is opened, then we behold the glorious things of the Gofpel. Many times when you come to hear the Word,your hearts burn within you , as they that went totEmaus but when you are breaking Bread, the eye of Faith that mutt look upon Jefus Chrift : and in this fente thole that have pierced thrift mutt look upon him : that Scripture is fulfilled in Zechariah 12. latter end, They fhall look on him whom they have pierced by their fins, and then mourn and la- ment. This eye of Faith will mile mourning and lamenting for Sin. And then, As Faith is the Eye to make what is here real ; fo Faith is the hand to cake it. When you come to a Fea ft, you mutt have fomthing to take the meat to you. So faith Chriff, he brake Bread, andgave it unto his Difciples, fa y ing, Take, eat this. Take it ; howThal we take it ? By reachingour of the hand: if you fanaifie Gods Name in this Ordinance, as you reach out your hand to take the Bread and Wine, fo there mull be air actual reaching out of the foul by Faith , putting forth an aft ofFaith to receive Jetus Chrift unto the foul , to apply theLord Jefus Chriff unto thy foul with all his merits and good things that he bath purchafed : when the .Minifter cloth give out chat Ordinance, you fhould look upon God the Father giving our his Son ; as if this were your condit;on, it am now is the pre- fence of the eternal Father, who now doth aaually give our B b z his