Burroughs - BV15 B877 1654

254 The right manner offimElifying the ame of Gad his Son to my foul ; and faith, Soul, here receive anew this day, my Son, with all that he bath purchafed for thy good : now then the foul acts upon this, and by ftirring up an ad of F comes and clofes with this Girt of the Father, and calls it felf upon jefus Chi, a, and faith as is were, amen, towhat the Fa- ther gives 411 Lord, here I come and irnbrace thy Son as my life, as my Savior, as the Fountain of all my good, in whom expel all the good I am like to have, either here, or to all Eternity ; fo that there thou be a flaringup of thead of Faith in an attual caking of Chrift, if thou beefs a Beleever Cana thou remember what thouchat, when firft thou didft take Je- ffs Chrift ? when the Lord in the preaching of his Word did reveal Jefus Chrift to thy foul,, what didft thou then, Oh foul ? how did thy foul work in doling with Chrift ? as thy foul did then in ridingwith Chrift fo it mull now renew the work, there mutt be a renewal of the work at that time. So that when you come to the Sacrament, you muff not think that it is then a time to liffen to doubts, fears, and fcruples ; no butoit is a time-that God cats for the exercife of Faith, the callingof the foul upon Chrift andhis Merit, for life, and for falvation or elfe the Name of God is not fandified as it ought ; thou doeft not Sandifie Gods Name when thou arc buiying thy foul in doubts and fcruples thy receiving of the Sacra- ,* ment. And then Faith is as the mouth : when thou comely to eat and drink, how unit thou if thou haft not a. south ? thou hall a bodily mouth ro take in Bread and Wine: but know, that without Faith thy foul cannot cake in Chritt ; Faith is as it were the mouth, that is, by the ad of Faith the foul cloth o- pen it felffor jabs Chriff and not only opens, it tell,_ but rakes. in Chrift to the foul, and makes Chrift and the ioul as one, as our Bread and Wine is made one withour Body, fo faith takes in chrift, and makes him as one with thee, and turns Chrift into the nouliihment of thy foul, and thou and. Clara by Faith are made as trulyone, as the Bread and Wine that is put into thy Body, is made one with thyBody. This is the work of Faith, wicholuwhich weawn% Santi1ie the Name of God. 4PI