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in receiving the Sacrament ofthe Lords Supper. 25 5 . Sixthly, There mutt be fputtual Joy that muff be exercifed here, for it is a Feaft ; here v.e come to lit wish Chrift at his Ta- ble,, we corneas Children toour Vathers Table, and to fir there with jcius Chrift ow Elder Brother : now as a Father cloth not lovc to have his child fit in a fuilen and dogged way at his Table, or to be crying , but he would have the child fir in comfort, and with a holy chee.o ilneis ' with a holyfreedom of 1pirit ; not in a Wilco way, hut di Id in the prefence of his Father, and not as a So vatic with clic 0bjelt. You cold is before, that there fhould be brokennefs of Ipielt, arid fence of out Rn. fu,. That may be, and joy ; we rejoyce with trembling therefore than brok oriels of Spirit the 1 meant, muff not be flaviih horror and tear , but a loodly melting of the foul from the apprehenfion ot the o of God unto it ii Jc4iis Chrift, that was willing to beat fo great colt to purchafe the pardon of fin : fuch a gracious mourning as may itiplci with joy : and the truth is, that that sorrow for fin in the &cram,: ric that is nor mix:: with joy, is a sorrow that doh uot I:mail-it Gods Name ; godly forrow, and evangelical joy, iii iy fund together very- well. And therefore know, that tios is not the t:me neither to give liberty to have you hearts fi, , no, there muff be no finking torrow of heart, but fuch a forrow ot heart as in the trodft of it you may be able co 10* opon,God as a recoociled Father to youk, and have a cheerfulnefs of spirit as in, the pretence of God ; you ma=t lookupon you:: felves as Gods guefts,to be merry at hiiTa- ble now this is a gte,:it my ftei y of goolioefs ' thcit there fhould: be at the fame,cime the fight at Chrifi crucified, and yet ac the fame time a,fpirituai cheerfulnets in the a &ratiteof the love of Gottshi jelusChr ill... I fayic is a myliery, and only thole that:are Beleevers, areable o underfland this inyftery, how to have their beam break, an,i i, et how to rejoyce at the fame time in that unlpeakable love or God chat is here prefenced unto them in this Sacrament. Stventhlv, In the next place, There muff be thankfulnefs theufore it is called f.he EucharifF, and in one of the Evange- litti, whet e is is Li id, Quilt bleu the Bread , in another it is laid, Garift gave thanks ; Chria when he ihitiLuted this Sacrament, he