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256 The right manner of San- ifying the NaMtfgo hegave thanks ; he gave thanks, for what ? He gave thanks to God the Father, that he was pleafed to fend him into the world todie for poor fouls : Now thali Jefus Chriff give thanks unto God the Father for that which did cot} him his life ? yea, faith Chula, I fee that here is a way to lave fouls, and let it colt me my life if it will , yet I blefs thee 0 Father, if fouls may come to be laved though it colt me my life. Chrift rejoyeed in his Spirit in thanking his Father for this ; then how thould our hearts be enlarged with thankfulnefs when we come to this, that the Ancients were wont to call the Eteebariji, that is, a that-AOvine, we are to give God thanks for every mercy ; you will not eat your own Bread without giving of thanks : but when we come to have this Bread, this Bread of Life, here is matter of thankfulnefs, here is matter of enlargement of foul ; thou haft the deadeft and dullett foul , and ftraigh- reit Spirit , yet when thou cornett hither, and underltandeft what thou doeft , here thou canft nor but fee matter for the enlargement of thy heart, and with that thou hada ten thou- fand thoufand times more ffrengrh ro express the praites cif the Lord : here is a thing chat mull be the fubjea of the Valle- lujahs and Doxologies 1 that Angels and Saints muff for ever ibund out in the higheft Heavens : Dolt thou know what the Lord prefents to thee here ? it is more than if the Lord fhould fay, I will make ten thoufandworlds for the fake of this Crea- nice, and give all thefe worlds to him , thou vouldeft think that thou wert bound to blefs him then ; only when God in Bread and Wine, reaches our to thee, the Body and Blood of his Son, here is more matter of praife, than if ten thoufand thou- fand worlds were given to thee, and therefore God expects that thou thouldeft fay to thy foul,'Illyfoul praife thou the Lord, and all that it within me praife his holy name ; blefl the Lord 0 myfoul and forget not all his benefits ; who forgettetb all thine iniquities, who healed) all thy difeafes. 0 poor foul, here is the foundation of all mercies : Dolt thou praife God for juftification, for Sanatification ? here is a glorious applicati- on of the mercy ofGod to the fouls of finners, and therefore if ever thou Wert thankful] , be thankful] here. The Sabbath any Brethren, char is appointed to be the fet conil ant day of thank-