in receiving the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. 257 thankrgiving for the great mercies of God in Chriff, and there are ocher daies for National mercies : now a fpecial work of the Lords Day, is, The celebration of this holy Sacrament ; and the Chrifitians in former times were wont to do it every Lords day, becaufe that is the day appointed by God for to be the day of thankfgiving for that great mercy , the Lord Jefus Chrift ; and that's the reafon why the Sabbath was changed : the laft day in the week was the fewifh Sabbath, and that was to celebrate the memorial of the Creation of theWorld ; and the firft day now, it is to be the day of thankigiving for all the workof God in mans Redemption: Eightly, A further thing is this : ifyou would fanttifie Gods Name, you muff be willing to renew your Covenant : that's the end of it, there muff be an atlual renewing of your Covenant with God ; that's thus : I come to receive this Bread, anct this Wine, and this is to be as the Seal of the Covenant on Gods part : now thiswill be implied in the nature of the thing, chat if I take the Seals of Gods Covenant, that Imuft be willing to fec tomy Seal too, to renew the Covenant that God cads me to : now know, all men and women that are failed, they are laved by the vercue of the Covenant of Grace ; and there God on his part promiles and makes a Covenant, T hat he will bellow his Son, Lifeand Salvation through him; and thou muff likewife come in on thy parr, and beleeve onhis Son, and repent , which is the Tenor of the Gofpel : now every time thou comeft to receive this Sacra- ment, thou emelt to renew this Covenant : As if thou thoulderi fay, Lord, thou haft been pleated to make a Covenant of Grace ; as the tirft Covenant was broken, and all men were caft by that Covenant, now thou haft made a Covenant of Grace, and calleft . thy Servants whom thou intendeft to Pave, that they fhould re- new their Covenant with thee in this Sacrament of thine ; Lord, here I come , and Lord, here I renew it, and fec to mySeal, co, promife and Covenant with thee, That as ever I expett to re- ceive any good from Clara ; fo Lord, here I will be chine, I will give up My felt for ever to cheee as thou haft given me the Body and Blood of Chtift for my Salvation, fo Lord, here I coafeccate my Body and Blood to thee, the laft. drop of my 5eart