Burroughs - BV15 B877 1654

The right manner o fSaniti,ying the Name of od heart-blood ihal begiven to thee, and Co m y ftrengch and effate, and Name, or whatever I am, or have, fhall be thine. Have youdone thus when you have come to receive the Sacrament ? Have you aaually renewed your Covenant with God ? You that have taken the bodyofChriff, have you given upyour body to Chrift ? What's the realon then dia.: you fin fo much with your Bodies ? that you abufe your body with uncleannefs, and drunkennefs, and other wickednefs afterwards ? Ohyou pro- phane the Name of God, and the vei y Bcdv ar d Blood of Chrift in this, except thou giveft up the Body and foul to God in way of Covenant. Ninthly, In the laft place For the fanaifying of Gods Name there is required the renewing of Love , the coming with lovely difpofitions, and the renewing of the Grace cf Love, not on- ly towards God, but towards our Brethren ; for it is the Feaft of the Lord, and it is an aft of Communion, Communion, not only with Chrift, but with his Churches, with his Saints : and as I have told you that there is a profeflion of our (elves to be of the fame Body with Jefus Chrift, then the Lord requi, reth that. his Children fhould not fall out that come to his Ta- ble, but that there fhould be love and peace ; there's a mighty bond upon thee when thou comeft to the Sacrament ; and therefore, firft, all heart burnings, and heart grudges, muff be laid afide ; and fecondly, you mutt come with a willingnefs to be reconciled one to another, willingnefs to pafs by all infirmi- ties in thy Brethren : here I have the Seal of Gods willing- nefs to pafs by all my fins, and therefore I muff be willing to pals byall infirmities in my Brethren ; I fruit now call out all ill wifhes towards others, and come with a defire of all good unto them, and with a heart ready to imbrace any op- portunity to do any good ; thoudoff lyeunto God except thou cornett with fuch a heart as this is ; Lord, thou know& that I am willing to take all opportunities to do good to thole that I now do communicate with, for it is the neereft Commu- nion that pollible can be in this world, between one Creature and another, and this is the reafon why there fhould be that Ordinance of Chrift fet up every where, to calf out thofe that are unworthy, becaufe is is the great&Union and Communion chat