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Sacrairkent of be Lords Sapper. 25 That pbffinly can be, for it is the Sacrament and Communion of the fame Body, They are the fame Members of Chrift. Now if thou 'doeft not chink fueh an one to be a Member of Chrift why doeft not thou do what thou canft to have him clft out ? but fo long as thou haft done nothing in private to him, or in telling the Church, thoudoeft own hire to be a Member of jefus Chrift ; if thou doeft fo, cake heed how thy heart he eftranged fronahirn, take heed how thou behaveff thy felt to them ; take heed how thou liveft in a jarring, and a conzentious way with them, and holdeft them off at ftaves end, or walking at a defiance from them, though they be never topoor and mean, know that thou doeft prophane this holy Ordinance every ticne thouconieft to it when thoucomeft with fuch an heart as this is ; if thou doft not find this renewed love, Lord, there began to be a ftrangcnefs be- tween me, and chofe char havecommunicated with me, but Lord, thou arc pleafed to vouchfafe us to come once more to this Occh,.. name , and Lord, here we do profefs that this Ordinance (hall unite our hearts together more than ever they were : 1 wil Chicly to do what good poffibly I can to my Brother, that as we joys 'here to the Feaft of the Lord with comfort, fo we may live to- gether in peace and loveas it becomes the Saints of God, and the Members of the Body of jefus Chrift : Oh how far are people from any fuch work of Goctiasthis is ! The Lord expo ±s this fhould be in yon .every time you come to the holy Communion. Here bath been Nine Particulars now mentioned for the fandify- ingof the Name of God when we come to partake of the Sacra- ment ; but 0 Lord, what taufe haveAre to lay our hands upon - our hearts ! for if this be:s6Tatietilie thy Name, then it bath been a riddle, a myftery to 1.0.;:i 414tAill4y-rzySrethren, thefe things are the Truths ofGod which I have delivered, and fo far as you have been wanting in any of thefe, know, fo far you have taken. Gods Name in vain in this holy Ordinance, you have noc been worthy receivers of this Sacrament, you have caufe to look back to-yoric isioper waits, and friend much humiliation for your fin herein, and not to be fogreedy of it as force are ; they nauft have the Communion, but I put it to your coniciences, Have you re- pented you for the prophaning of Gods Name ? And that's that we fhould further have fpoken of, That god mill be failitified ; C c that's