P Assmitwismmomi 26o The right maimer of Sanaifying the Name of god that's thus : If we do not fauLtifie Gods Name, it wit quite turn to the contrary ; it is the proper end of the Sacrameir, to teal up our falvation : but if we fantt ifie net Gods Name, it will tesil up our condemnation ; if it path not been thy endeavor to fat aifie the Name of God, fo many times as thou haft received the Sacra-. ment, fo many teals haft thouupon thee for, the feeling up of thy condemnation. But yet for, thy comfort, while thou art alive, it is poflhle that thefe Seal; may be broken open ; as we read in the (7.-)te.vela- tionf, that Jobe fay the Book that had fevers teals upon it,, and none couldbe fou id that was able to open it at length the Lamb that was fiam, he was found worthy to open the Book.. So I, f4),,, thy condemnation is fealed up with many ftals, and there is no creature that is able to conceal thefe teals, only the Lamb Jesus , Chtift 2. yea, that Chrift whofe Blood thou haft fhed and been guilty of, only He is worthy and He is willinp to open thete Seals for as it was with thole that did crucifie Chrift, yet they were faxed by the fame Blood that they had thed, as in .Adf 2e So though thou haft been'guilcy of thedding the Blood of Chrift main and again, by thy prophane coming to the Sacrament ,, yet know, teeing there is life in thee, and the day of Grace is conti- nued, it is pollible that. thy foul may be laved by that Blood that thou haft crucified. Oh how many are cut off that have this prophaned the Natne of God in this Sacrament, and never came to underftand this danger ! they are cut off, and iicivir are undone for ever : then blefs God that thou art alive to hear more about this Sacrament, and howGods Name fhould be fanatfied ; that thou art alive, and halt time to repent theeof this great evil; of prophaning the Name of God in this Holy Sacrament. SEMIO'N