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in rec the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. 2-gsr- 4,4?.+4, +410.114.444+4,40+4+.44449.44 +.+4. 4,44t$ is SERMON XIII. Leviticus, zo. 3. Iwill be SanEfified in them that come nighme. 4440 Ityl':44 Here is one thing more about the SarEtifying the 4e4:-te*:.04- Name of God in the Sacrament, which cleetly V, concerns us : and that is, I 42.4. To keep the Inftittition of the Sacrament et4e:1",4:t..4.4. for this is loch a Worfhip of God,:: as depends 444'4'44+ meetly upori Inftitution, that is upon a pofitive Law, upon the Will of God. There are tome Duties of Worfhip which ace Natural, that we may know by the light of Nature they are due to God ; but the Sacrament is a Duty of Worthip that is only by Inft itution , and if God had not revealed it, we had not been bound to it : therefore in theta. Duties of Inflitution, God Ponds very punCtual upon them: we-tuna be very exatt, neither to err on the right hand, nor the left ; to make any alteration in the Points of Inftitution: Now therefore for the Inftitution of chic Sacrament, we find icy in divers of the Evangelifts in (Mart. 26. 26. Chere you Chan find that Chrift and his D i isciples, they eat the Sacrament to- gether , and this was the way of it ; They were together fit- ting at the fame Table : fry is is called the Table of the Lord fointimes in Scripture : therefore that's the fiat thing that is according to the Infiirution, that thole that do communicate muff come to the Table as neer as they can ; as many as can fit about it, and all to come as neer as they can ; and the rea- fon is, Becaufe that otherwife youwill not beable to attain the end why God fhould have you come to receive ; the end is to remember the deathof Chrift now except you be able :co fee the Sight, to fee what is done, to have your eye as well as your ear exercifed, you do not fully accomplish the end that is appointed ; for this is a Sacrament, that cloth pekoe to our Cc 2. e). es