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262 The ;la&manner #fancciOng the Name ofrercio eyes the death of Chid and the great Myfteries of Salvation, and therefore it is according to the Inftitution, that every' Communicant muff be where "he may behold whit is done, he mull be where he may fee the breaking of the Bread, and the powring forth of the Wine': Certainly it hash been a difor-: derly way therefore for people to tit upand down in their Pews, every where in the Congregation, and for the Miniffer to go, up and down after them ; to chat they could fee nothing, nor force hear any thing It is much for the attaining the end of the Inftitution , for all Communicants to look upon the brea- king of the Bread, and i he powring forth of the Wine in the Sacrament, and therefore all fhould come together ; and there, as many as can fit at his Table , or thofe that canner, neer to ic ; and the rather, becaufe this is not only from the example of Chr ill that he did fo, though that's fcmwhat : but becaufe it huh a fpiritual lignificancy in it and that's the reafon that it fhould be done : we find in Llikf 22. 26, the Inflitution of the Sacrament. Now mark, upon their coming, and being with Chriflt at the Table, faith Chrift in the 29, and 30. verfes, And I appoint unto you a Itingdorn , as my 'Farber bathappointed unto me, that you may, eat and drinb, at my Table in my cl(ing. darn, andlit on Thrones judging the trxebve Tribes of Mad : He fake it upon that occafion of the Difciples fitting with him at the Table, when they did eat Bread, and when they took the Cup : upon chat occafion Chrift fpake to his Difciples, and laid, I appoint you a Kingdom, that ye may eat and drink at my Table, in my Kingdom and fit on Thrones judging the twelve Tribes of Ifrael ; as if atilt should fay, you can fit with me at my Table here , and know, that this fitting withme at my Table, it is but as it were a preluthurn, a fore- fignification of the communion that you thall have with me in my Kingdom ; you (hall have that familiar communion with one when I come into my Kingdom, there to fit ( as it were ), with me, to joyn with me in my Kingdom , judging the twelve. Tribes of Mae' ; even as you do now in that holy Fel- llowthip joyn with me in fitting at my Table. This is the meaning of Chrift , fo that the gefture in the Sacrament is not a meet indifferent thing; heretofore it bath. bcen thought unrea. foh4ble.;