in receiving the Sacrament of Lords Suoper. 276 1 ionable to contend for what Geffure we should Now that which hash been the Intl itution of Chrift, and lath a fpirirual fignificancy in it, is net indifferent ; for not only the eating the Bread, anddrinking the Wine, is fignificative , but the gefture whereby we have fellowfhip with Jesus Chriti here, to iignifie that fellowfhipwe fhall hive with him in the Kingdom of Heaven ; in that the people of God were depriv'd of a great deal of comfort, and of one fpecial benefit of this holy Sacra- ment, whereas they rnight not receive it fitting ; whereas atilt faith that your fitting with me here is a fignificarion- of your fit- ting with me when I come into the Kingdom of Heaven. Some fay they muff kneel becaufe they may receive it with morere- vet ence ; certainly were it a thing as Tome fay indifferent, it were another matter ; but for to fay it is nor reverence to fit, in that they accufe Chrifit hnfelf for want of reverence, as it heWould appoint a way, or would " have his Difciples tile any fuch way as were not reverent : taihChrifie I intend by } our very gefture to have this fignified unto you, that though you be poor wret. ched worms, yea, even fuch is my love untoyou, as you thall fit withme when I come to my Kingdom, and judg the twelve Tribes of Ifrael ; and every time you come to my Table, and there fit at it, or about it, then you fhould be put in mind that there is a time, that though you be poor unworthy creatures, worthy robe among the dogs, yet the mercy of God is hich unto us, as he hada appointed us to have a familiar fellowfhip with the Lord jefus Chrift when we come in his Kingdom to fir with him, and even to judg the twelve Tribes of Iti-ael yea, to judg the who! world, for to faith the Scripture : Shall not the Saints judg the world ? now this hinders fpiritual meditation and com- fort, that the Saints have, therefore we are to look to the infti- tution, and follow it. That's the firft thing -in fitting,wich Chrift at his Table. The Second thing in the Inflitution is, That theDread being taken by the Minifter, is to be bleffed, broken, and then to be. given ; Chrifir took lc, and bleffed ir, and brake it, , and gave it : and the people they are to lookupon all this, to look upon the Minifters taking, blefling, breaking, and :giving; . and then - the Cup by its Pelf o we find Ogitt 11160-tb. 26,47. -he fiat-, Nat