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264 The right manner ofSanilifying the Name ofgod Veit the B7ead, and then he Weft the Clip diflinetly by it felf, fay ing, Tbis it my blood of the newTeftament which is jhedfor many, for the remiffion of fins ; and you that obervethatthe text Faith, he drankit, and laid, drink. ye all of it : fo that this is not according to the Inflitution, for a Miniffer to go up and down, and togive it toevery mans hand ; certainly this was not fo from the beginning , this is a way of mans own deviling, for t he.Bread and the Cup to be given intoevery bodies hand by the Minifter Chrift did but give it once, hegave it to them all, and Paid; Vrink,ye all of thin, fo it was done. pull, But you will fay , Is it not better for to be g;ven into every ones hand ,Anfry. No, becaufe that I he giving of it once for all, cloth fig- nifie more fully the Fellowfhipand Communion that they have together : as at a Table it were a orange thing that every bit of meat mutt be given to every one particularly ; no, but the dillies muff be let before them,and they muff take it then-delves: Indeed if they be children, you cut every piece of meat, and give it into their hands or mouths : but that's curable to a fellowfhip at Ta- ble, and Communion, to have the meat let before them, being bleft, and then for all to partakeof it. And betides this : Giving it into every ones hand, certainly, it came to us from a Popifh and fuperftiticus conceit of the Papiftsit for the Papifts will give it into their mouths, becaufe the people mutt not defile it with their hands. And it was to bring more reverence to the Sacrament. Now there's a great deal of danger for to bring in wens devices for to caufe more reverence ; we are to look to the Ordinance of. Chri ft, he gave it once, and, laid Drink ye all ofit, in general to them all : and fo the Wafters Mould do. Andbetides, there is this in it more, and one would wonder that Minifiers fhould give it in particular, and not in general to the Church : for by this means .Minifters might abundantly eafe thernielves of a great deal of charge and guilt ; for upon this ground it will appear, that a Minifter, though as an eminent Of- ficer he is to look to his Congregation that they be fir, yet the truth is, it concerns the Church as well to look who comes there, andlikewife the Minifter I fay, to lot* about him.that he cloth