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in receivins theSacrament of the Lords. Supper. 265 cloth nor fay, The 'Body of the Lord jefus. torsi- was' given to. thee, when he knows they areprophatie and wicked it concerns the Minifter to look that he doth not tell a lye ; but new when the Minifies gives it generally to the Church Take,; eat , and TA?, be gives it particularly tono body.. Now then his charge is divided to the Church, and if there be any toci,y-ih.:: is unworthy, let the Church look to it as well as he :- though he as an eminent: Offifer, it's mire (Specially in particular his duty than any others ; heretofore the charge would lie much upon the Minifter, , but the Miuifter according to the infritur ion, should give the Sacrament tono pairicular, but in general to the C.nurch , and therefore if there were lur any particular, that the Minifter upon a particular knowleclg did know to be naught, he might in pear part d it-charge hirnielf, as pi ofefli againit this or that particular man for it i not in his power a- lone to keep any from the Sacrament, but if fo b that he 111111 profelsagainft tech and Such inen , the Church mull jo n :him to lab it to keep them :-rom the Sacrament. And char is the next thing for the liitlitucton, Quill gave ic not into any parti- cular rums handsl, but he. gave it to all, laying, Dink, and ear ye - all of it. A Third , thing that is to be ohferved for the Infliarion, is this : That all the while the Communicints are taking, eating, anddrinking the Bead and Wine, they fhould all of (hem that while have their thoughts exercifed about the-death of Je- f-us for that's the Inflitut., ion, Do this rernembraricP of me: there Ihould be no at ton intermingled, in ,theltime_of the receivingof the SaICTEIME ;, nothing but minding the work chit you are about that is, to remernb.r: the:death of Jefus Cnrift-; and to difcern the Body of the Lord:, cot only. -when youyour (elves take the Bread and Wine ; but when ). on . tee-- the :, Bread and Wine, broken or pored forth, and you fee:o-- tbers taking the Bread and Wine, all that while, you fhould bethinking of the death of rCtiraft , and difcerning the Lords Body : and confider what theft outward Elements-do fignifie;; andIthat they do Seal the great Benefit of the Covenant of Grace; . therefore it is not according to the Inftitutior to ,be,,t hitgingof Fialrni the,mean time iviaile.:tht.SAcrament is re.. cersilrc