Burroughs - BV15 B877 1654

266 The right manner ofSanilibing the Name ofgod rceiving , and fo to have your thoughts a boue other,th ings : fin- ging of Piaims in its due time, is a good thing ; but for you todo is at that time when as the death of Chrift is prefented before you, and Chrift calls you to.look upon his Body, and to think uponwhat he hath done and fuffered ; this is no feafonable time : and if you re?.: the inftitution you fhall find, that Chrift alter ail was done (the Text faith ) th.ey fang an Fly mni to that according to the Institution, it is after theaction is done of eating and drinking, then for the Church to joyn together, and fink a Pfalin in the praife of God ; and then they mutt mind all the fame thing together, for that's the thing to be done in the Sacrament, that look what one dixh, al muff mind together ; for when one part fingc, and the other are waiting for the Bread and Wine, this is nor futable to the holy Table Aaion, and that communion that God requires of us ; though the things sin themfelves are both good chat are doing, yet when we are a- bout this holy Ordinance being it is an Ordinance for Com- munion, all are to be doing the fame thing at the fame time; and fo when all have done eating and drinking, then for all to joys together to the praile of God. Now it may be, this 4t firft feems flrange to many ; yet cer. tainly obferve this 9 Dobut keep to the Inititution in the Sacra. merit , though you may think it a more mean way, yet you will find a greater beauty in this Ordinance than ever you found in all your lives ; for the more we keep to Chrills Infii- tution, and mingle nothing of our own, the more glory, and beauty, and excellency doth appear in the Ordinances of Jefus Chrift ; but when any tan (hall mix any of his own inven- cions, though he may do it to a good end, and think to add to, and put a greater luftre upon the Sacrament : the truth is, than which he thinks to be a greater lufire, reverence, or ho- nor put upon it, it doth rather take off the Witte and glory of the Sacrament ; then are the Inflitutions of Chrift glorious when there is no mixture among them : thus we fhould lanaifie the Name of God, in receiving-this holy Sacrament. You havehad divers things propounded to you , whereby you may come to know, and eafily to fee that there hash been a great-deal of difhonoc