in receiving the Sacrament ofthe Lords Supper. 267 difhonor done to this Sacrament, and the beauty aile. glory of it bath beendarkened, and the fweet that the Saints might other- wife have received in partaking, bath been excee[lirTly hin- dred. There is but one thingmore that I fhal propound to you, and that is, The feveral 'Meditation! that voe fhould meditate on in receivingofthe Sacrament ; the moft concerning cilleditati- OW are fuggefted niche holy Communion chat are in any thing whatfoever, more concerning, more efficacious, more various Me- ditations we have fuggefted here than in any thing , and it is a great fign that menand womendo not difcern the Lords Body, if fo be their Meditations be barren at that time. I will therefore fuggeft fame Nine or Ten Meditations that that Ordinance of God may hold out very plainlyand familiarly to every Commu- nicant, for the bufying of their thoughts all the time that action is a doing. 'Meditation r. As aft, That the way of mans Salvation, it was by a Media- tor ; is not only by Gods Mercy, Gods faying that he is of- fendd by fin, but he will becontent to pats it by : no, but it is through a Mediator. Now this Mediation is fuggefted thus : When I fee the Bread and Wine, if I difcern what that fignifies, it will hold out this to me That the way of mans Salvation, it is not meerly from hence, that God faith, Well, I will pardon them, and nomore, but there is required a great work ofGod to make anAtonement between finnersand hitufelf : this Sacrament doch hold forth thus much unto us, wherefore elfe have we Bread and Wine, but to fignifie that the way of our reconcilia- tion, it muff be through aMediator ? (Med, 2. The Second Meditation is this : That this Media- tor that stands between God and us, is verily and trulyMan ; he hath takenour Natureupon him : the Bread that puts us in mind of theBody of ChM ; and theWine, of his Blood, and therefore we are to meditate of the humane Nature of Jefus Chrift ; and this is a Medication that hath abundance that might fpring out of it : What, bath theSon of God takenour Nature upon him ? bath he.Body and Bloodlandhuman Nature upon him ? Oh ! how hath God honored humane Nature ? Then let not me ablate my Body to Lust, to Wickednefs, D d Peeing