The right manner of driving- nicrh God had appointed : Upon that the fireof Gods wrath broke out upon them, and flew them both prefenrly in the very San- diary before all the people, for it was a folemn time : being the beginning of the folemn Confecration of the Prieft-hood. - Upon chis,che fpirit of .Aaron couldnot but be exceedingly trou- bled,to fee his two Sons thus ftruck. Now 111Ofes comes to him and faith, This is that which the Lord ipake, I will beJantlified in them that draw nigh me, andbefore all the people I avil be rifled. Andupon this, ,Aaron held his peace. We read that once fire came down fromHeaven in a way of Mercy to confume the Sacrifices : but now fire comes down from Heaven in a way of Judgment to confume the Sacrificers, even Nadab and ,Abihu : they were .AaronSons, the Sons ofa godly man, the Sons of the High-Prieft, they were his eldeft Sons, for Aaron hadocher Sons befides Nadab and Abihu, leaciar and Ithamar, but thefe werehis two eldeft Sons : they were two tongmen, they were ftruck in the very primeof their age, they were two that were newly confecrated in the Prieffs Office,for fo you find in the 9. Chap. And theywere two men ./39,,,-e-Z ofrenown in theCountry,and before all the people of/ELfie two . men that God had much honored heretofore ; as you final find in Exod. Chap. 24. and thebeginning ; thisNadab and Abihu were men of great repute, andgreat renown, that God did much honor in former times ; for when God called 'Moles and Aaron with the Elders tocome tohim, he Tingles out Nadab and Abi- bat amougft the refl., and names them. And be Paid untocillfo- fes, Come up unto the Lord, thou and Aaron, Nadab and A- bihu,and '7o.of the Elders ofIfrael. 'Moles and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu are only named, and then 7o. of the Elders in general, but 'More' Aaron,Nadab,and Abihu, as if thefe were the four eminent menof renown among all the people of Ifrael, he names noneof the7o. Elderi but thefe two, befides 'Mfrs and Aaron : therefore thefe two that wereconfumed by ftrange fire, were rem; novvnedmen, and newly confecrated into their Office. What was theirfin ? Their fin it was offeringof grange fire,fo the text faith that they offeredfirangefire,which God commanded them nor, in the beginning of the Chapter. But