.6S The right manner ofSant ifying the Name of 9o4 Teeing that Jefus Chrift bath taken the Body of man upon him, humane Nature upon him, let me honor humane Nature that is foneerly united to the DivineNature. That's theSecond Me- ditation. 'Med. 3.., Mere is prefented unto us, what this Mediator bath done for the reconcilingof us unto,God, that his body was bro- ken ; he bath fubjeaedhimfelf-to the breaking of his body, and to the powring forth of his blabd for the reconciling of : it is not meetly ( as before ) that God faith, I willpardon them but Chtift undertaking to make peace between his Father and us, it colt him the breaking ofhis body, and the powring forth of his blood ; this is an ufeful Meditation. Oh ! what fhould we be willing to Puffer for jei us thrift in our bodies, even to refill un- to blood, feting Chrift bath been content to have his precious body broken, and his blood flied for us I rived. 4, Again, AFourth Meditation is this : That here we come to fee we haVe occafion of meditating of what theStrip-' rure faith, That we are by the blood of God faved, it is the blood of God, (112,y crucified he Lard of glory, that's the Scripture phrale ; we fhould confider when we fee the Wine powredout, and foput in Mind of blood : Whole blood, and whole body is this ? It is rfOother bur the body and blood of him Ghat was truly God, the fecond Perfon in Trinity. This is the great Myftery of Gofpet, and this is very needful for us to be thinking of when we fee thebody broken, and the blood powred out : What, will thebreakingof the body, and thedding of the blood of a meer creaturebe fufficient to make peace between God and Man? Surelyno therefore youmuff meditate whole body this is, and whole blood this, is ; it is the body and broodof him that was God: It's true 2 God hath no body, not noblood, but the fame perfon that was God, hadabody and blood ; that body and bloodwas united unto, the Divine Nature in anhypoftatical union, and from thence it came tohave an efficacy for tofatisfte God for to reconcile God andus together. This is the great Ilyffery ofGodlinefs. (Med. 5. AnotherMeditation is this : Whenyou fee the Bread broken and Wine powred, our, Oh I the infinit dreadfulnefs of thejudice of God how dreadful is the julticeof God,that co- ming