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reetiving the Sacrament of t4eLords Supper. 269 tning upon his own Son, and requiring fatisfaetion from him, that thaild thus break him and bruife him , that fhould have his blood , that fhould require fuch fufferings even from his Son ! dreadful is Gods Juftice, the juftice of God it is to be feared and to be trembled at : here we fee what is required for the fin of Man, andnothingwould be bated to Jesus Chrift himfelf. Wed. 6. Another Meditation is this Here I fee prefented to the what every foul that Thal be faved colt ; whoever fhall have his foul faved, he bath it fav'd by a ranfom, by a price paid that more worth than ten thoufand choufand worlds ; thou fligh. telt chine own foul , but if it prove tobe faved, it coif more than if thoufands of worlds had been given for thee, even the flied- ding ofthe blood of Chrift, every drop of which was more pre- cious than ten thoufand worlds. 'Med. 7. Again From hence fee what is the evil of fin, how great it is, chat hath made fuch a breach between God and my foul, that only fuch a way, and fuch a means mull take away my fin ; I muff either have lain under the burden ofmy fin eternally, or Jefus Chrift that's God and Man mutt fuffer In much for it : Oh ! what Medications are thefe to take up the hearts of men ! 'Ned. 8. Behold the infinic loveof God to man-kind, and the love of Jefus Chrift, that rather than Godwould fee the children of men to perifh eternally, he would fend his Son to take our Nature uponhim, and thus to fuffet fuch dreadful things ; here- in God fhows his love : it is not the love of God fo much in giving you a good voyage, andprofptring you outwardly in the world ; But, fo god loud the world, that hega,ve his only begotten Son : And it pleafed the Father to break his Son, and to powr out his blood , here is the love of God, and of Jefus Chrift : Oh ! what a powerful, mighty, drawing, efficacious Meditation fhould this be untous ! Wed. 9. Thofe that are Beleevers, they fhall be nourifhed to eternal life, to that there is no fear that ever a Beleever fhould quite fall of from God, and die in his fin ; Why ? Becaule the body andblood of Chrift is given to him for his tpiritual nou- rifhment : though a Beleeverhe never fo weak , yet teeing God hath appointed the body and blood of his Son for him co feedupon, and to drink in a fpiritual way, furely then the wea- D d z kelt