270 The right manner-4 fanRifying the Xame ofGod- kelt in the world will be ftrengthened to go through all theha- zards, and dangers chat there are in the world; 'cis this chat ftrengthens Beleevers to encounter with all kind of dangers, it's this that preferves the weakeft grace in a Beleever, namely, the Spiritual nourifhment that God the Father hath appointed to them, even the feeding upon the Body, and drinking thevery Bloodofhis Son : this is Meat indeed, and Drink indeed, that will nourifh toEternal Life. Sfecl. to. The laft Meditation Is this: When youcome to this, feeing the Bread broken, and the Wine powredout, you have an occafion to meditate of the whol new Covenant, the Co- venant. of Grace, that God hath made with linners : for fo the words of Inflittrion are, This is the Cup of the NewTefla- ment e the NewTeflament which is all one with the New Co- venant,, only different in this particular ; it contains the tub- itance of the new Covenant, but call'd Teftament in this regard, to thew that theLord doth do all in the new Covenant, that is, he doth not only promife fuch and fuch mercies upon condition ofour beleeving and repenting , but he cloth work beleeving and repenting, and works grace , and therefore the fame thing that is fomtime call'd a Covenant, is call'd. a Teftamenc, that is, the Will ofGod wherein the Lord dothbequeath his richLega- cies to his Children, to thofe that (hall be eternally faved, fo that all the good things in the Covenant ofGrace, they are be- queathed by way of Teftament as well ai Covenant, and this is a mighty comfortable Meditation to the Saints.: for indeed, when they look upon the way of the Gofpel as in a way of Covenant, why then they think thus , This requires fame- what of our parts to be done, and indeed God will keep Cove- nant on his part, but it may be we (hall not keep Covenant on ours, and fo we may fail at laft but now when thou lookeft upon all the good things in the Gofpel difpenfed in the way of a Teftannent , that is the Will of God, the Legacies. that Goddothbequeathao his Servants, this is a mighty comfort to the foul, that all the precious things of the Gofpel come to me in the wayofa Teftament, and that's the meaning of thenew leftament 1. that is, the mercies of God in Chrift coming now in the, way of another. adoainiftrasionx, than, they did. before ;