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in receiving the Sacrament ofthe LodT"---r s upper. 271 'Os not only new in refpea of the Covenant of Works that God made with .Adam, but new in refpet of the adminiftration Our fore-fathers, the Patriarchs, they had the fame things in fuh- fiance , but adminiftred in a darker way, and manydifferen- ces there are : but now when we hear of the new Tefii.ament there is prefented unto us all the riches of the Covenant of Grace in the way of a Legacy, and the adminiftration ofit with cleernefs , and with a great deal of mercy and goodnefs of God, the terror and harfhnefs of the old adminiftration being taken away. Now thefe are the Medications, by which we fhould labor to fanerifie our hearts, when we are receiving of the Sacra- ment ; and in the working of thete meditations upon our hearts, we (hall come to fanttifie the Name of God, when we are draw- ing nigh to him in that holy Ordinance of his. Thus for Me- ditation. The next thing when we are there. muff be an attuating of there holy Difpoiitions chat before we fpake of : 'cis not enough for a Chriftian to bring Grace to the Sacrament ; but there mutt be a flicringof that Grace at that time ; or otherwite the Name of God is not fandified in receiving of the Sacrament, and above al graces the attuatingof thegrace of faith : 'cis nor enough that thou beef a Beleever, but thy faith Inuit ad at the very inftant. As thus Firft, When thou heareft the Minifter in the Name of Chrift fay thus : This is the Body ofJefus Chrift which was given for you, take, eat ; thou fhouldeft have thy faith fo acting upon the mercy of God, in giving Jefus Chrift for the nourifhment of thy foul to eternal life , as if thou didft hear a voyce from Heaven,. faying , Here is the Body of my Son given for thee particularly,. take it and ear, apply it to thee, and fomake Chrift one with thee by faith, as the Bread is made one with thy Body when thoudoff: eat it. And then when thou cornett to take hold of the Bread, thou: art toput forth the as of faith, faith being as thehand of the: foul, and at that inftant, when thou takeft the Bread and putteft- it into chy mouth to eat, thou fhouldeft ftir up the at of fairly afrefh,laying more_hold upon Jefus.Chrift ; Look as oncerhou didft in thy fiat converfion,, when Chriit was piefentedlathee_- 4