272 The right manner ofSanElifying in the Word, or in any other way, there was an att of faith drawn forth, whereby the foul did raft it felf, and roul it felf upon Jens &rift ; fo thouldeft thou renew it , renew the fame work of faith that thoudidft find in the very fiat converfion, and there by thou (halt come to have renewed comfort in the renewing of that as : I might name thee other graces and difpofitions how there fhould be aftirring and anaeting of them ; only realm.; ber I leave all this Point with this Note, That grace is not enough for partaking of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, excerpt there be an aaing, and a ftirring up of that grace ; many Chriftians are careful to prepare, and examine before whether, they have grace or no ; but at that time when they come to receive, then there is not a lively working and ftirring of that grace, and fo they come to lofe the comfort and benefit of that Ordinance. Thus much fhall fuffice for this Point of Sanctifying Gods Name in receiving the holy Communion : I Thal now come to the lait Point, which is the fanttifying the Name of God in Prayer. .ov SanFifjing the AC9me of godin Prayer. oW this Argument might takeus up many Sermons; but IN upon occafioi of the Daies of Prayer and Humiliation, I have preached divers Sermons about the Point of Prayer therefore I fhall be brief, and only now reckon up together, and let before your view, the feveral things that are to be done for the Saatifying of the Nameof God in Prayer : Fiat, for Prayer, in that we draw nigh toGod, and it's a Duty of Gods Worfhip, that I fuppofe all of you cannot but acknow. Iedg, that it is a natural Duty of Worfhip ; the other was in- flituted, but this is natural ; it's natural for thecreature to draw nigh toGod in prayer, wherein the Creature tenders up his ho. mageso God, and manifefts his profeflion of his dependance upon God for, all good that he hath , and acknowledges God as the Author of all good, therefore this is Worthip, and it's a great part of Worihip ; Prayer, it is fuch a part of Worfhip, as fomeo