the Name of god in PRAYER. 273 fomtimes inScripture it's put for the whol Worfhip of God, rife that cat!' upon the 'Name of godPall be Paved ; that is, He that worfhips God aright, 7er. 10. 25. And, Towanit thy wrath pfi,in upon the 'Heathen that know thee not, andon the (Families that call not 'on thy Warne , that do not pray ; that is, that donot worthip thee. There one part of Worfhip is put for the whol, as being a principal part of the Worfhip of God.. Surely we mutt landifie Gods Name in Prayer, for it is that which fa ndifies all things to us, I Tint. 4.5. Every thing it fan. Efified by the Wordof god, andPrayer. And if the Argument of thrift was right, as no quettionbut it was, That the Temple was greater than the Gold upon the Temple, becaufe the Tem- ple did fandifie the Gold : And the Altar was greater than the Offering that was offered upon it, becaufe it did fantlifie the Offering ; then Prayer muft needs be a mighty great Ordinance, a greater than any other, becaufe that it fanaifies all ching%. The Word Sanaifies the Creatures ; but Prayer fanttifies the very Word unto our ufe : and therefore when we reade the Word, we are to pray for a fanaified ufe of the Woid : Prayer is a great Ordinance, a great Duty of Worfhip that faneti6ei all ; Prayer hath a callingvoyce ( as I may fo fay ) in all the great Works of God in the world, thegreat affairs of the Kmg-, dorn of God, the Kingdom of his Power, and the Kingdom of Chrift ; 1 fay, Prayer bath a kind of a offing voyce, and doth order under God, the great things of the world, they are according to the prayers of the Saints, they bring down bleflings upon the Godly, they powieorth judgments upon the wicked : the prayers of the Saints they are the viols that are powred forth in a fpecial manner upon the heads of the wicked ; therefore Gods Name is to be fanttiAed Est Prayer. It is to be fanecified, firft in preparation ; Pfalin 10. 17. Thou wilt prepare their heart ; thou wilt caufe thine ear tv bear : it is theLord that preparech theheart, and then he caufes his ear to hear : and therefore in a (Pet. 5. 7. we are there re- quired to watch untograyer ; men and women fhould keep a narrow watch over their hearts and minds, that they may not bkhindred in their prayers3 that they may be alwaies in a tic pee. auto