374 The right manner ofSantii.hingtbe flute to pray ; watch unto prayer, it's that that would helpus againfl many temptations to evil ; ifI give way to fuch and filch temptations, alt wilt hinder my prayers, I fhall not have that freedom and enlargement in prayer as otherwife, if I give way to fuch and fuch things, therefore let me takeheed ofthis, or it wil hinder my prayers. As ifthe Apoltle fhould fay, this fhould be the care of Chriftians ; then they are like to fandifie the Name of God in prayer, if this be their great care that there is nothing in the world that Thai hinder their prayers : Oh letme takeheed I do nothing tohinder my prayers; if I go abroad into compa- ny, andammerry and jocond, and there game and drink, and [port myPelf in company I will not this hinder my prayers ? wil not this hinder the fpiritualnefs of my heart in Communion with God in prayer, when I come homeat night ? I appeal to you, have you had that freedom in prayer afterwards 1 Surely nos therefore watchunto prayer. Now for the preparation of the heart to prayer, wemutt un- deritand, either, Firft, What is tobedone in the courfe ofones life. Or, Secondly, What's to bedone juft when onecomes to prayer. For the firft, Thecourfe ofones life : labor tokeep all things even and deer between God and your fouls, that fo you may not come with fhakles about your legs, withguiltinefs ( I mean) upon your confciences : men that have given way to any bate finful way, when they come to prayer, the guilt of their hearts dotheven*nk them; but thofe that can keep their peace with God in Elie courfeofthe4lives, they have other manner offree- dom inprayer, thanyou that walk loofly, and contractguiltisefs upon your [picks. And then the fecond thing is, To keep our hearts fenfible of our continual dependance upon God, fenfible how we de.. pend upon God, for whatfoever we are, whatfoever we have, whatfoever we do ; for the blefling of all is from God. The Beams of the Sun do not fodepend upon the Sun, as weupon God ; chat if he doth but withdraw Hiinfelf never fo little from us, we all fink down to nothing and perifh for ever; that foul that every day and hour is fenfible of the infinite dependance it bathupon God for its prefent and eternal eftate, will