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278 The right manner 0/Pali/Yin& one is in its felfmaterially an evil thing, and a fruit,of the curie, (v ' therefore we may not ( I fay) abfolutely pray fort : but thus far we may pray for affliCtions, Disjunttively, Conditionally, Comparatively. , Disiunetively, thus : Lord, either grant unto me a fanCtified / ufe of fuch a mercy , or otherwife let me rather be without it ; ( let me have a fanaifiecl ufe ofmy ficknefs, or otherw.ife let my ficknefs be continued tome : thus now you may pray for conti- nuing in ficknefs. Or thus, Conditionally : Lord, if thoufeat that my heart be fovile and wretched, chat I wil abufe ( through my corruption) loch and techmercies, Lord rather take them from me, and lec me be without them : if thou feeft that there be no way to break this proud heart of mine but fuch a way, Lord, let that be thy way to break it, if thou feet it according to thy will as the fitteft Way., Then Comparatively thus : Lord, rather let me haveany af- t / Ili ion than fin, rather let me fuffer lots ofmy eftate than fin a- gainft thee, thandepart from thee : any thingLord rather than fn. Thusyoumay pray for afflictions, but notabfolutely. You ,muff not pray that God would fend you affiittions ablolutely, for youdo not know your hearts : it may be ifafflittions fhould come, your hearts may be as flubborn under your aillittions as they are,now ; for aillittion hashnopower in it felf, todous any good. (And then for thegoodof others, for 'atilt teaches us topray, Our Father &c. There comes in here a rebuke of the wickedpratlice ofdivers in curling , and then a Queftion about it. It is a wicked thing to ufe Curies; but it's a molt wicked thing to withevil to others in way of prayer : yet how manie L-ariCo ! though it may be they do not think it : they fpeak to God, and defire him to bring fuch and fuch evils upon their neigh- hors I yea, fonnimes Parents upon their. Children ; this is a wicked prattice of men : What, is it not wickednefs enough for thee to have any defire that there thould any evil befall thy Brother, but wilt thou dare to prefume tocall God to be 1,11 inftrurnent of the execution of thy bate finful wrath, ring