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the laame ofGod in P a AYEr, 279 God mutt be a drudg ( as it were ) to chy wrath, and to thy paffion ? this is abominable wickednefs. Any of you that ever have been guilty of this fm, of cuffing others, Wives, Children, Servants, or Friends, the Lord rebuke you for this fin : how far haft thoubeen from Sanctifying Gods Name in prayer ? whereas inftead of Sanctifying the holy Name of God, thou haft called God robe a Servant and a drudg to thy paffion, God mutt becal- led to help the ventingofthy.paflion : Oh! remember this you that have beenat Sea, andhave beenangry, and things not going according to your mind, have fallen a cuffing, and writhing Such and filch evils might come upon thofe you are angrie with ; that's a kind of prayer, but it's a moft fearful taking the Name of God:, in vain in the higheft degree ; and certainly God will not hold= him guiltlets that fhall to take his Name in vain ; therefore be humbled for this fir. 0eft. But you will fay, Vo not we read in the Tookof 7 Pfalms, where many tirnef the (Prophet David cloth curfe the (Enemies of god, and voifbef evil to come upon them ? Anfvo. To chat Iantwer. Firft, That the Prophet, and thofe that pen'd the (Pfalmf, they had a Prophetical Split ; and thole places that you read that are in a way ofcurling, they are rather Propheticalprediaions of evil, thandireful imprecations ; they are rather fore-tellingwhat Thal be in a way of Prophefie, than, will-lingwhat fhould be. Secondly, If they be withing what fhould be, then I anfwer That thofe which are endued with fuch a Prophetical Spirit, uthieloy wchedreknnoowt;wahsovwaellreitithepriamiepdlaacgabaile nftEynuedma4ies God , and tired yeers before be was born : By a Prophetical Spirit he knew that he was thechild of perdition ; indeed, if we could; certainfie know a man that were to be a caft-away eternalrie . fromGod, it were another matter : As the Church in the time of 7ulietn, becaufe of his Apoftacie being to abominable, it was_. , determined almoft generally by them, that he had committed thief?) againff theholy Ghoft, and upon that they cuffed him. Now I fay, thofe that had an extraordinarie Spirit, that did, ._ kip!, wb9 [hatewere, they might do it i. but this Ati no e2qMPle it ry