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28o The rig'bt manner of Sanitifying for us in an ordinary way to with evil and curies upon cr.; thers. But thus far we may do with the Enemies of the Chti,.:h. Fatt, We may curfe them disjunaively, Lord, either rake them out of the way, or keep them that they may not do fuck mifchief in the Church : or thus, conditionally, If thou feeft Lord that they be implacable, thou knoweft them, it fo, let \_,Elly wrath and curie pinkie them ; Lord, thou feeft what evil they are let upon, and therefore rather than they Mould at- tain their mischievous defigns , let thy wrath and curie pur- tiae them : So we may do it , but uot abfolutely to curfe my, though they thould do us never fo much wrong, we are called to bleffing : But now in zeal to God, take heed that we be nor carried on in our own pallion ; but being Pure it is zeal to God, we may with the curies of God to purfue thofe that Godknows to be implacable ; this is but an appealing to God, abet not at all faftning it upon any particular perfons that we know, but leaving it untoGod for the execution of it, and fo in a zeal to the Glory of God we may do it, and we are war- ranted fo to do by the fecond Petition, 'Thy ciiangdom come : for that Petition that requires us to pray for the coming of the Kingdom of Jefus Chrift , doth alto require that we thould pray againft all means that hinder the coming of the King- dom of Jefus Chritt , fo chat every time that the Church praies, Thy IQngdom come, or any praies, Thy cli_ingdorn come, they do as much as fay, 0 Lord, Do thou fet thy fell againft all the Enemies of thy Kingdom; if they belong to thy Ele- dion, Lord convert them, but other wife Lord confound them, __1 Now thus we fee how we are to fandifie the Name of God in prayer, in regard of the Wafter of the Prayer : but now for the 'Manner of Prayer. The molt things I confets are ' there. ,,- Firft, When we come to prayer, we muff be fure to pray with underftanding, i Cor. 14. 15. What is it then ? 1 voill raywith the Spirit, and will pray with underfianding alfo. od doth not love the Sacrifice of fools ; wemutt not come ba- ( tiling to God in Prayer to freak weknow not what, and to mut- ' tirly words we know not wherefore, but God doch require that