the Name of god in PlAyE R. 28 z that thofe that come to prayer, come with underflanding , that they offer to God a rational, a reafonabit, and underf/anding fa- crifice ; God is a Spirit, and he will be worfhiped in Spirit and in Truth : now as is belongs to all other Duties of Worfhip, fo elpecially inPrayer, toknowwhat we dowhen we pray, not to think toput off God with a meet' empty found. That's the firft thing. The Second thing in the Manner of Prayer, it is, The giving up all the Faculties of our fouls in it : I fpake to chat in the Worfhip of God in General ; we (hall apply it now particularly to Prayer , the giving up, not only our under- (landings, but wills, thoughts, affeaions, ffrength inprayer : in z Chron. 20. 3. it is faid of Jebofbapbat, chat he fet fell to feed, the Lord, he did give his whol felf to feek, the Lord : we are to give our whol felt, and not to divide in Prayer. Now this were an argument that indeed might well take up a whol Sermon, in (hewing the evil of the wan- dering of our fpirits in prayer ; we fhould take heed of the wandering of our fpirits in the hearing of the Word, and re-- ceiving theSacraments, and io in prayer ; the peopleof God are much troubled with the wandring of their thoughts both in Word and Sacrament, and it is their great burden, and fhould be fo, but I never hear any more complainings of the wan- dring of their ipirits than in the time of prayer the people of God are much peltered in their fpirits, with this evil, it is very grievous unto them , and many of them go under it as a grievous burden all their claies ; the chieleft burden that is upon their fpirits is their wandring in prayer; fo that if God fhould fpeak co theraas he fpake unto Solomon,. and bade him ask what he fhould give I verily beleeve there are.. many in this Congregation, that ave already good affurance of gods love in Chrifi, if they had nor that, chat would be the main thing that they, would ask 2. but having attained' that, if God would fpeak fromHeaven; and fay,: What (hall I.. give you for your felves, if he fhould ask you in the general,. it may be you would ask fomeching for the. Churches;, but: if it be for your felves, you would put up this Petition ' Ohl Lord, that I may be delivered from a. wandrwg fpitic in holy; duties,