2S2 rght manner ofSanEilijung the Duties and efpecially in the Dutie of Prayer, that I may theceby come to enjoy moreholy Communion with thy Pelf than ever yet I enjoied , and they would account this to be a greater tnercie than if God fhould give them tobe Kings or Queens over the whol world ; if God fhould put thefe two into the ballance, 'Either the whol world to poffefs, or oJierwife to have more free hearts in coming to God in prayer, and to be deliveredfrom that which bath fo much hindred their Communion with God in prayer, they would det pile and fawn the world in comparifon of Rich a mm rcieas this is : howsoever carnal hearts they think little of it, but thole that are the Servants of God, they find it to be very grievous to them : but being the time is pal{ , I than re- , terve that to fpeakyet a little more largely for thehelp of thofe that are under the burden of ic. / Ple only fpeak one thing further now and that fhall be to / thole that are wicked andvile, and not only have vain wandring thoughts in prayer, but even in the very Dutie of Prayer manic times have wicked and ungodlie thoughts ; how horrible are they ? unclean thoughts, murderous thoughts it may be, and .eenaoft abominable. I confefs even thofe which are GiLdlie may fOrnrimes have fome blasphemous thoughts caft into them, for the Devil is never more bufie than at the time of prayer ; but they rather come from the Devil; han from the ffream andcorruption of their own hearts, which may be we may make our moredeer- lie afterward : but now I freak to fuch as have molt wicked alma minable thoughts, rilingfrom the fiream and corruption of their hearts, fuch thoughts as their hearts do clnfe withal in prayer, and they can roll thofe thoughts about in their minds as a Child will roll a piece ofSugar in us mouth ; and this is the wickednefs of manie men and womenshearts. Take but this one Note with you, That all thole dreadful!, vile, unclean, covetous thoughts of thine in Prayer, they have been toGod as if you had fpoken them in words; thoughts to od, are all one with him as words are to men ; for God is i a Spirit, and the Spirit doch converfe with God n thoughts, as well as men do =vale with men in words; and what a woful