Name of God in P R E R. woful guiltinefs would have been upon you, had you fpoken ,fuch vile and wicked things to men as fomtimes bath been in your minds, even when you have been, praying to God, howwould the company have even fpit. in your faces, and kick'd you from them? none that have any face of Godlinefs would have endu- red you in their company ; and yet here's the evil of ic, your hearts are not troubled, but you rife off your knees, and away you go ; thou hail a cauterized confcience, a feared confcience, that cana enternin fuch vile thoughts at any time without he. vmg thy fpirit affiiiled, and going away with fliame and confu- lion, as if the greateft evil had befallen thee ; therefore takeheed of this. 4.4.44,644444144.44.4.441144+0444,14+044 SE,P,M0N XIV. 2 Leviticus, zo. 3. Iwill be SanEfified in them that come nighme. 44:4P410404gEE are fiat to Santiifie Gods Name in regard 4,40:44?:4,44 of the matters of our Prayers. And Second- :4: ly, in regard of the manner. For the fiat, 41.40. 4, we made an end of it the lafl day, and came 4.4:464!*** unto the Manner, and there were two thin 4044:44:** mentioned. Fiat, That we mull pray with underflanding. Secondly, We mutt give up our felves toPrayer. Now in the doleofthe Exercife we had occafion to all up- on that Argument about the wandering of our thoughts in Prayer, and by that we come to take Gods Name in vain, in- ftead offanaifying of his Name : God expeti, that we fhould have our thoughts, and wills, and affettions , our whol fouls acting upon him in the Duty of Prayer , or elfe we do not pray to God as unto a God ; vain thoughts-in prayer do pick up the Sacrifice like the Birds that Abraham drove a- way from the Sacrifice, that they should not pick ic. Wicked F f lofts