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2 4 The right manner of SanFlifying kilts in mens hearts, are like Swine to take the meatand al co hale `it in the dirt, fo their Prayers are filthy and dirty with their, hafts ; but thole that are otherwife Godly; yet by their vain thoughts thebeauty and'excellency of their prayers is taken a- way : as Wine and Beer that'have the 1pirits of them gone, fo.. the life andlpiric of our, duties are gone by our vain thoughts, and therefore vain thoughts do dead the heart very much. S6 faith 'David in the I 19. (Frain , Turnat mine eyesfrom be- holding Tanity, and quick z, me in thy Lam' while our eyes look uponvanity, (here will be noquicknels in our hearts inany lervicet hat we tender up to God : now many of Gods people have experience of the.evil ofthis, and they groan under the bur.. den of this : and as I laid the lail time, if fo be chat the Lord thouldfpeak from. Heaven to theni,Ec ask themwhat they would have, they having already the affurance of his love in Chrift, thry would ask the deliverance from a vain fpirit in theperfor- mance of holy Duties :' %ring no vain Oblation, faith God in lfa. I. I 3. Oh what vain Oblation do we bring by the vanity of our thoughts in prayer ']Cis true, the belt of us all will have vain thoughts fonaetimes ; but yet as one compares the vain thoughts ofmen in-prayer, like to a Spaniel that goes our with a Man , he walks perhaps but half a mile,. but the Spaniel will be running up and down, this way, and that way , and if all the (pace ofground which theSpaniel hash gone over giould beanea-' lured, it may be while you are walkinghalf a mile, the Spaniel' fetchingcompaffeshere and there would be half a dozen miles : So our fancies are like a Spaniel which will have fetches about this way andthat way in .a thoufand vain thoughts. But thus now it is with a Godlyman ; as a Spaniel though running from. hisMater, yet ifhe give him .a call, he is able to call him CO him. prefently ; and it were well if it were to with us, though our fancies be wild, yet ifwe were able to call .in.our fancies, and to, have them at command; it were well with us.. And I find. very Much; that thofethat, are new tamers, they complainmuch of' thevanity of their thoughts, theywere wont to pray,beforeandi they never:had, filen vain thoughts as nowthey have ; , the:reafon; why th,ere is 10much vanity of thoughts, or at leati fomuch.;a1m,