the Name 01 god in Prayer. It is firft, 'Becaufe there is but a little grace in the midft of a -great deal of corruption in yong Converts, like a fpark of tire In the midft ofa great deal of allies i now if there lies a heap of allies, and nothing elfe, you do not fir them.; but if there be allies and Come fire, then you will fir them, and be blowing thole fparks to kindle another fire by. Now when you come to mike any motion, then the Ares wil flie about, whereas before they"lay [hi!. 'So it is here before God wrought upon thy heart, there was no:hing elle- but aches upon thy foul, and then they lay full, but nowGod bath kindled some fparks ofgrace in thy heart, and God is blowing them up to a greater hear, and t bringing of them to a flame; upon this motion chat is in .thy heart, and the flirting to kindle there fparks further in thy heart, it is that the ashes of thy corruption do as it were flie about :thine ears, and that there is fuck fittings of corruption more than there was before, 'cis not becaufe there is morecorruption than there was formerly, but before there being nothing .elfe but:corruption is lay fill, and now becaufe there is fomthing elle, therefore it is that corruption cloth fo fir ; and betides, you know a man that was wont to keep lewd company, if 'God turn him that he will keep that company no more, at fruit he flail be more troubled with them than he was before ; and they will keep oftener knocking at his door , and laboring to get him to them again : fo 'cis here, when the foul, vanity and lufts were as friends together, there was no diffurbance,- and ta king notice of any thing then ; but now when the foul is ca- flingout thole finful difempers, and will have no more of therm, they for the prefent will be more importunate, alive, and ftir. ring than they were before. And betides, the Lord dorh this_ co humble thy heart the more, that thereby thou mayeW come to fee the great corruption that was in thy tbul before; the wor- king of thy corruptions will ditcover much evil in thy heart that thou didlt not think was there before ; when the corrup- tions of men and women lie fill, they think there is no Inch thing in their fouls e- as youc civil dila, whei's the.-reafon that they blefs thernfelves, and- think they are in a good condition it's becaufe their' corruptions lie (fill in theryir-and do not ftir, they cannot beleeve what abundance. of wickednefs there is F f 2 in