286 The right manner offimetifying in their hearts, ifGod fhould open the wickednefs that there is, in the hearts ofmen naturally, andfo all unregenerate men they, would think you fpake firange riddles, whereas they bids theFnfelves, they biers God they know no fuch thing in their, hearts,; No ? Yes, thereare fuck things, only they ate not flied, but they liequiet : as mud in the bottom of a ponci, there it is,' yet you cannot tee it till it be flied : At firft converfion ( I fay )' the Lord ft:frets thy corruption thus to flit, that he may difcover CO thee what an evil heart thou haft, what abundance of fin there is in thy heart, and therfore your yongConverts, they lockup, on themfelves as more loachforn and vile than ever they thought they had been. And betides, The Devil fees it a vain thing to tempt a yong (Convert to any profs a4of fin ; when Confcience bath life and power in it, he than never prevail thar way : but now he thinks , he may prevail to difitub them withvain thoughts, and, there-, fore he hies his ftrength moll that way ; therefore let not fuch be difcouraged, that find their fpirits annoyed, and peffred with them, if they make them tobe the burden of their fouls ; not- withilanding muchvanity of thoughts, the Lordwill accept of any defire that they have to fandifie his Name in holy Duties : /And I fhal give you thefe three or four Rules tokelp you again& there wandring and vain thoughts in holy Duties,, and aped-, ally in Prayer. t Virft, When thougoeft, to Prayer, account it to he a great. work;, fet a high price upon thy prayer ; not as having any ex7 ellency in it as is comes from thee, but fer an high price upon if a great Ordinance of God, wherein there is Communion withGod co be enjoyed,, and,; the influence. of the grace ofGod to be conveyed through it ; fo fet an high price upon 2rayer at every time thou art going to prayer ; Lord, I, arn. npw fete' ting upon awork that is of very great confequence, and much, lies upon it, and I would account it to be a ibre and, a great evil to Me, if I fhould lofe but this prayer : Thi',3 would be a,, fpecial means to compofe thy fpirit , auti,to keep thee from, wandring ; as 2\Ltherniab in Webern. 6, 3. a place which 1 have. fpmrirnes Timed upon fuch an. occation ; when the enemies 44 thermal? chat would bindcr the building of theTemple, lenc Cq