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the Nameof God to P it AYE r. 2$7 to him that they might talk together ; no faith he, I am.doing a great work, fo that I cannot come down : So when the Devil and the vanity of thine own heart, would fend to thee to parly, and talk as it were with thee, give an anfwer, I cannot 'land parlying with thefe things ; the work. that I am about is a great work.. There are very fewpeople that do account the work of prayer a great work ; if thou dial', it would help theemuch againft the vanity of thy thoughts. Secondly, Every time thou goeft to Prayer, thou that art moll troubled with firth vain thouglvs, renew thy refolutions _againfi them : I have been troubled with vain thoughts here.. tofore, and am afraid., if I look not, to it, that I (hall loft. this Prayer alfo ; and therefore 0 Lord, here. I renew my re- folutions to let againft them in this Prayer with all my might it is very much that may be done with thong refolutions, and efpecially if thy thong refolutions be renewed refolutions ; for an old refolution begins to growweak : a man that hath ved upon a thing a great while ago, it hach little power over him : but now when aman hath refolved upon a thing but this morning, and junat the time when he is going about it , he doth refolve upon it , and iec himfelf upon and cloth refolve through the. Grace of god, that whatfoever d'iiliculty ;, he meets withal , whatfoever it colt him , that he will go through his work ; I fay, thatrefolut ions renewed have a great: deal of power ; and, you cannot imagine what a great deal, of power the renewing of refolution againft vain thoughts will have, if they were renewed every time thou goeft to prayer, until thou gettefi power over thy thoughts e do but make trial of this ; thou haft lob many a prayer by vain thoughts, and thou haft been troubled for them, and yet they cprne again,, do but try for this week. A I retnernhee I, Paid in the point of Pailion and Anger, that we iiiould tefolve.. with our (elves, well, whatfoever falls out this morning, I ant, refolved I wil bear it :. fo bethink thy felf how many Payers, thou haft loft byvain thoughts ; and now renew thy refolue tions, and Covenant with God,> that; foe this Prayer.I evil let, my tell againft. them whatfoever pains i take, I., will bee Aim ye; withal to. Gods. tract, to affifiitte, I wilti be_