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the Name of god in P a A y E R. 2 9 ehings , matters of no moment one way or other,, upon that thy heart begins to he dandling, and playing with them ; there-- fore remember this Rule, That in the time of Prayer, what- foever. thoughts be in thy mind that do not concern the pre- fent Dutie, they are finful before God , though the thoughts. for the matter of them be never fo good, yet thou art to aban-. don them as finful v° that time. Therefore never be deceived: with this, that the thoughts are not very ['mini. That's another; Rule. - In the laft place, obferve this Rule, Ifever God hat h hel[yed: thee at any time in prayer, that thy heart hash beenkept clofe to . a Dutie, and thou haft Communion with him, biers God: for char, blefs God for that help ; 'cis a Rule of very great tile ( for us to get further afliftance from God in any thing, if Co tie our hearts be enlarged to blefs God for any afliftatiee we have had heretofore ; and the reafon why we gain and profper, fo little in our Chriftian Courfe, itis becaufe wedo not take no riceof what.Goci hath done for us, to give God glory for nier-., cies formerly received, and therefore God takes little or no de- light in coming in with further mercies to us : as if you had a,, young Nurfery of Trees, and they began to thrive very well, but there comes a company of Caterpillars,, and fpoils alrnoft all the yong Trees that are fet, only two or three are kept from the Caterpillars ; a man goes into his Orchard, and looks upon. his Trees, and this is fpoiled, and that is fpoiled ;. but he fees two or three, and chofe flourish fairly, and , chefe are full of Buds,., and are like to come CO fornething ; and he rejoyces mightily. in thole, becaufe they are fav'd when fo many others are ipoii'd :: And fo do thou view thy Preyers, ' and confider how many; hash been fpoiled as it were by theft Caterpillars ; for I, compare wandring vain thoughts in Prayer, unto Caterpil-, lars chat are upon the Trees ; and,we fee that if fiorrny rainy, weather comes, the Caterpillars will fall ; and one would think; that thefe .bluftering !terms , and the hand:: of God that had'. been out again& us, thould - have clenfed our thoughts and fouls, from thefe CaterpillarsJhat have been upon our Duties , brie; many Duties have been fpoiled ; , yet thou mayeft fay that! TAVAIg4 . Gds rilql.CY, fucit .a illiaVining in my Cflolerk, the .Lord:; l'e42:1