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290 The right manner ofSanFlifiing the hach,preferved a prayer to himfelf, and I havegottenpower over this vain heart of. mine ; blefs God for this, and fo the Spirit of Godwill be more ready to come in and help thee another time But thus much than fuffice to (peak to this. That's the Second thing, we mull give up our felvcs wholly to this Duty. TheThird thing for the fandifying of Gods Name in Prayer, - is this : Theremat be the breathings of the Spirit of God, o- therwife Gods Name is not fandified : that in (Rom. S. 26. is deer for this, Likeroi,re tbe rpirit alto helped" our infirmities : for we know not what tx,e jbouid prayfor as we ought : but the Spif rit it felf makob interclion for us withgroaning' whichcan- not be uttered. If any ut you should fay, How can we fandifie Gods Name, we are poor and weak, we can do little ? Mark, it is faid here, That the Spirit helpethour infirmities to pray : and ,the word is exceeding Emphatical in the Original : in your Books it is but meerly helping our infirmities, but themeaning of the word is, In there t000 things the Spirit helps ; that is, look ,how a man that is caking up an heavy piece of Timber at one end, he alone cannot get it up, but there comes another ,and takes it up at theother end, and fo helps him : the word signifies fuch a kind of helping, as when a man takes a thing at the other end, or on the other fide, one (landing the oneway, and the other flan- ding the ocher ; or one taking uponeend, and the other the other end, that is the meaningof it ; he helps our infirmities ; the poor foul is pulling and tuggingwith its own heart, and finds his heart heavy and dull, like a log in a ditch : And have not many of you ,found your hearts fo ? But now, when you are tugging with your hearts, and would fain lift up your hearts to God in prayer, there comes the Spirit ofGod at the other end,and takes, thehea- vieft endof the burden, andhelps you to lift it up : If a Child were at one endof the log, and that were but light, and the other endvery heavy ; ifone come and takeup the heavieft end,a little itrength wil terve for the lighter end. So the Spirit comes and takes up the heavierend inDuty, and fohelps our infirmities, helps together. And then the other word is, The Spirit; that is, together with the actingof thegraces of the Spirit in our hearts, youmutt not fay fo ; Alas ! what can I do ? it mutt be the Spirit ofGod that muff do it It's true, he doth all® Firtk,