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Name of God in P 1. A Y E, R. Firft, He gives converting and habitual grace, and affifting and aauating Grace-; but now when the Spirit hash Wrought Grace fo as to convert the heart, and bath given habitual Gtace in thy heart, why then when the Spirit comes to a flirt, it ,cloth expel that thou fhouldeft ftir up all the gifts and graces of the Spirit, and the very ftrength of thy body ; the Spirt of God expeds that thou fhouldeft ad to the uttermott thou arc able, what power bathbeen given thee by God ; and when thou art in ading, then the Spirit comes and helps together with us ; noting that we are to put forth what firength we have : and thus Gods Name will be unified, when as we putting forth the Graces of the Spirit in us, then the Spirit comes and helps ; and what comes from us now, comes from the breathings of the ho- ly Spirit in us, and then God who knows the meaning of the Spirit, will know now the meaning of our fighs and groans ; therefore when thou art going to prayer, thou art to eye the Spitit ofGod ; thou art by the eye of Faith to look upon the Spirit ofGod, and to caft shy foul upon the affiftance of the ;Spirit of God, thou art to look upon the holy Ghof}, as ap. pointedby the Father and the Son to that Office, to be a hel,- per tohis poor Servants in theduties of Wolff:lip, andefpecially in that great duty of Prayer : now upon the readingof this text, and having it thus opened, this is one good help for thee in prayer ; reade this text, and then exercicti thy Faith upon it; Lord, haft thou not laid that thy Spirit helps our infirmities, when we know not what we pray for, nor how to pray for any thing as we ought , but the Spirit will come now Lord make good this Word of thine to my foul at this time, and let me have the breathings of the Spirit of God in me ;, alas, the breaths of men, if it comes from gifts and parts, I know thou wilt ne- versegard it except there be the breathings of the holy Ghoft in me in prayer now if you would know whether the Spi,- tit of God doth come in or no, you may know is by this ; the Spirit of God carries unto God, and it makes the prayer fweet and delightful, lo much of the Spirit of God as is there, it comes to the foul in the Duty, and it leaves a avatar behind iti;agracious favour is alwaies left behind, when the Spirit of g 291