Burroughs - BV15 B877 1654

191 "The ret wanner of Saultilying God comes to breath.; O. the breath of the Spirit of God is a:. fweet breath, and it mzik.t.s prayers fweet ; - it ne.Tcr comes into t he ibul. but afler it huh done any work it came fOr, it leaves as tweet (cent, after-that, the foul finds a {wet-triers in that prayer :. now many of you. have been in the morning ac prayer, but I appeal to you, what fweec favor of the Spirit of God is left behind ?. Certainly if the Spirit have been there, it is like Civic that i3 put into a little box,thoughyou thould cake out the Givit,. yet there wit be a Cweec favor left behind ; fo -though the Spirit of sod, in refpeft of the preterit afilit ancewithdraws it feif, et it ieaves a tweet favor behind, c. The fourth thing is r.ut icy of heart; pure hearts andhands* .in 'Tie& 10. 22, rg`1t, 5.. $:, having every one of them, harps, and goldenvials ful'of ordors which are the prayers of Saints .,. mark,, the prayers of Saints are ordOurs in golden vials :- the golden vials I.(nay compare to the heart, the hearts of the Saints mutt be as golden vials.,, and then their prayers will be as odours ; in- i4 Tito. 2. E.i. the holy Ghoft, givang:direltions how, we should', pray,,it is with:this qualification I will therefore that men pray every where lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubt ing, the. outward converfation.- Mill be pure, and the heart purei.,, inJA Z2, z6. mark what is laid. concerning that holy to , there's a promifernade-to.him..for the liftinup of his face toGod, putting-away iniquity from:hiSTabernacle, that by putting away evil fromour Tabernaclei, and from our hearts, we may be able kg lift tip our hearts with soy to go. And. chat's the fourth thing, purity of heart:and hands. The fifth. thing is, in. Truth : when we come tocall upon ,Q-od'I we must calltipon ilial ill Truth, tricriat 1445. verfe Is*, ate Lord is. rOgh.u,nto all, tO.41 that call upon him. inTruth., Youwill lay;, What is themeaning ofchat? To,that It anfwer, : . Fhlt., There muff be inward difpofitionsi arifwerable to the., expteflions .;_ as for infante :. 'when I come to: exOtth_Oegreat- fi of thenajeityofCitid,then innaft haste in inWarddifpofitioni kar. abbe to this expreflion, I Mutthave a. fear and reverence,of die. iNg.,nire KAjetty of ,;od, (,-§scsmoiy, who 4,0111Q ta,cciders. my fita,, to iudg my felt