theName of god in 1)raier. , 2 Cfor my fin, there mull be an inward difpofition futable to fuctra confefron: 0 howmany men and women will come and freak. great things againft them elves for their fins, and )udg them- felves for their tins, and yet there is no fuch d ifpofit ion in their hearts tutable to their words : you (hall have tome in praying with others, they will be a means to break the hearts of others,, they will fo follow their fin ; and cake fuch fharne and confufi. on upon themfelves far their fin , and yet God knows their hearts not flied all this while ; and then they will call upon Gad for pardon of fin, and for power a pa in ft their fin, andyet God knows that their hearts do clofe with their fin, and are loth to part with their fin in the mean time, this is falinefs of heart ;. when the inward ditpofition is nor anfwerable to outward ex- preflions 1 befeech youmy Brethren confider of the prayers you have made, and efpecially you that pray much with others,lcok whit expreflions you have made, and fee whether there be an- fwerable difpofitions CO the expreflions you have made, and how that the Lord doth remember every exprefilon that you have made. Thirdly Wepuft call upon God in Truth, that is, Confrio- nably to perform the engagements of prayer, Prayer puts an ,L....sixtagemenz. upon the heart : now thole that call upon him in truth,areconfcionable to perform the engagements ; as now, do I pray for any good thing ? I an engaged to endeavor in the ufe ofall means for the attainingof thegood thing : When you confefs why,, you are engaged by that means to en- deavour all your might against that fin : and when you pray for any grace, you are engaged tomake ufe of all means you can for the attaining of that grace ; and then befides, in prayer there is:much profeflion unto. God for our fincerity and up- figirneCs,,and of our willilygnef to be at his clifpofe, perform theie engagements that thou in4liefV-to God in_prayer ; -if God thould prefent to us all our profeltio'ns that we have made to him in prayer, and tell us hOw we have come thou of th;m, it would make us to be in fliame and confution in our own thoughts. Another tbingiii Prayer 114 beFaith pray without daub- ring, as in the fornier ScriPture' the prayer of Faith prevails Pg 2 3