Burroughs - BV15 B877 1654

294 The right manner offanaifyins much, 'tame' Y. 6,7. a man that wavereth and doubreth, mutt not think to obtain any thing of God. But I fhould have o pened what that faith is that we fhould have in prayer, we muff have faith to beleeve that the thing that we do pleated) God, and faith in Gods Prornifes , and faith in Gods Providence, this fhould be exercised in the time of our prayers : And there fore after we have done, to go away beleeving, as ellannab in 1, Sam. I. 18. we readof her, that after file had been praying, the went away, and looks no more fad,the text faith : noting that after we have been povvring forth our fouls to God, we fhould beleeve and exercife faith, and not go in as drooping a way a ever we did. Object. You will fay, Yea, if we knew certainly that God would hear us. Anfiv. The way to be affured that Godwill hear you, is by cafhngyour ftives upon God : how can you know that he will hear, but by reftingupon him ? I have been with God, and. I have been doing the Duty of a poor creature, and for the fuccels I leave it to God, and therefore is Inuit be with `Faith. i But I have fo many fins mixt with my prayers, how can I \ beleeve ? You have an excellent Scripture for that, to help a foul to exercise Faith in Prayer, notwithflanding there hath been many infirmities; in Plal. 6 5 . 2, /. 0 thou tWt-bearefi prayer"-, unto bee all fief') Pall C01118 : Thou heareff prayers, but I have a great many fins that hinders ; no, mark, what though iniqui- ty prevails againft me, as for our tranfgreffions, thou fhalt purge them away ? Oh make ufe of this Scripture, though you re- member not other things, yet you that have dejected heattsland are afraid that God will not hear your prayers, fee what the text faith , Thou bearefi prayer i But will not my fins hin- der ?' No faith Vaviel , Iniquity prevail' againft me, as for pier tranfgreiPon" thou (halt purge them away': exercife faith iuthis, and know that God doth not hear prayer becaufe thou art not finful becaufe ofthy worthinefs but meerly for his free race. Another holy difpolicion in prayer fhouldbe tills : The f9u1 iltuuld